Sclera - Tough outer coat/visible/white part of eye
Cornea - transparent wondow/ lets light into eye Pupil - Hole/ lets light through
Chlorid - contains pigment cells/stops light being reflected around inside eye.
Retina - Light sensitive layer/ place where light energy is transduced into electrical energy of nerve impulses
Rods + Cones - react to light/produces impulses in sensory neurones. SN pass impulses to Optic nerve - Rod calls cant distinguish different colours in dim light. Cone cells- only in bright light (Y) red,blue, green.
Iris - Circular muscles - Radial muscles
TO FORM AN IMAGE LIGHT NEEDS TO BE REFRACTED - takes place when light passes from one medium to another of a different density. IMAGE IS INVERTED (upside down)Brain interprets it the right wayup
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