The working class are no more criminals than anyone else, however, the law protects the Bourgeoisie so the working class become easier to criminalise
The working class get harsher punishments compared with those who commit white collar crime
White collar crime is difficult to prosecute due to who is considered responsible and who is considered the victim
Only serious cases go to court
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Relationship between Social Class and Crime
Lack of social control in working class areas
Lack of male role models - Father Deficit
Poor socialisation
The working class are labelled as the offender as they fit the stereotype of a criminal
Leads to a self-fulling prophecy or even worse, master status
The working class and the underclass are marginalised from society so they turn to crime
Most crime is committed by working class people against working class people - because of relative deprivation, individualism and the fact that we live in a bulimic society (we're exposed to consumer products but cannot consume them)
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Relationship between Social Class and Crime 2
Single parent families fail to socialise their children effectively due to a lack of male role model and they also grow up to be welfare dependent
The working class are marginalised from society and are labelled as folk devils to create moral panics
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Age and Crime
The peak rate for offendin is 17, the average age of someone in prison is 27
The young, working class are more likely to commit criminal acts than the older, middle class
A typical prisoner in the UK will be under 30 and working class
Offedning rises steeply from 10-18 and then declines after 24
Functionalism - Merton argues that young, working class people commit crime because they strive for success but lack the necessary educational skills to achieve their goals, so they turn to crime
Subcultural theory - young, working class people join gangs because they are frustrated at their status/position in society. They deal with this frustration by rejecting society's norms and values and conforming to their own deviant norms and values
Young, working class boys are more likely to be stopped and searched and labelled as criminals by the police and courts
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