Used arts and popular culture to root out all bourgeois culture and construct a new Soviet culture which reinforced socialism and the ideas of the party and Stalin while introducing the new idea of Socialist Realism
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Writers who were part of the RAPP- later known as Union of Soviet Writers in 1932 had to make sure their works promoted the ideas of the proletariat and the Govt.
Any writers who refused to do this would have their works banned and not published as they were deemed for being too bourgeois
Stalin described writers as the "engineers of the human soul" in that it was there job to promote proletariat culture and literature
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State press and newspapers within the Soviet Union were all controlled to carry less information
Often told what to put in newspapers and so had a narrower range of views
They would include articles that promoted the industrial proletariat such as quoting over-exaggerated FYP figures
In essence the state press became a propaganda tool for the Soviet Union
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By 1930s film also became heavily controlled by Stalin
Between 136-37 68 films were withdrawn in mid-production and 30 that were released were replaced with ones that would produce a record pf Soviet history from 1917 onwards and promote socialism by focussing on workers and their lives such a s movies like Battleship Potemkin and October
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Paintings and Architecture
Abstract art was to be abandoned in favour of socialist realism- images of the workers and peasants together, working for socialism
Paintings had to be constantly updated to reflect upon these values and remove anyone who purged
"Stalinist baroque" was used which used gargantuanism such as Moscow University and the Moscow Underground
All buildings promoted the ideas of socialism and giant statues of Stalin were also built- cult of personality
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