Social Media (Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
TV Adverts (e.g., primetime adverts)
Banners (e.g., side of buses, when walking into the zoo)
Road Signs (near zoo)
Live Videos
Business Cards
Tailored ads online
pop-up ads (e.g., spotify ads, radio adverts)
why do we advertise?
to increase customer base
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Target Market
refers to a group of potential customers to whom a company want to sell its products and services
best to base on existing customer base as this is more likely to increase sales
who we direct our marketing effort at
Market segmentation: how we group customers together
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SWOT Analysis
Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opporunities, Threats
Opportunities: how can we improve ourselves? In external environment.
Threats: external environment
how you should move forward
effective methods to maximise opportunities while minimising negatives
evaluate the business
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External Factors Affecting Zoos
Legislation: legislation is always changing
Brexit: import/exports, who we can hire
Due to welfare
Due to Covid-19
due to lockdown, all establishment that keep animals in captivity have been labelled as 'bad', no matter how much they give the animals or why the animals are there
Economic: people have less disposable income due to Covid-19
Technological: people may want to watch online instead of visiting
Travel restrictions
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Competitor Analysis
identify competitors
on-page analysis
backlink and PR analysis
rank competitors
competitor traffic analysis
benchmarking competition
research competitor's products, sales, and marketing
create sold business strategies that improve upon your competitors
need to factor in price, place, promotion, product, and people (5Ps)
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