Sets policy enforcing controls and restrictions on the import, movement and keeping of certain plants, plant pests, and other materials such as soil.
New regime implemented 14/12/2019
plant traded will require a plant passport for their movement within the EU, including movement within the UK
Records of plant passports issued and received will need to be kept for three years
trading plants via distance selling contracts, e.g., online, over the telephone, etc., will be required to pass plant passports down to the final end user
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DEFRA Codes of Practice for Suitably Qualified Per
Applies to zoos with veterinary presence onsite and for any member of staff that is in control of the dart gun within your zoo
A SQP is a legal term for an animal medicine advisor that is qualified to prescribe or supply certain types of veterinary medicine
products must ensure the following information is recorded in relation to all incoming and outgoing medicines
the date
the name of the product
the batch number
the quantity
the name and address of the supplier and recipient
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Guidance for the Registration of Retail Premises 2
Governs veterinary medicine storage
important for onsite veterinary prescence
governs that all veterinary medicine must be kept under lock and key which can only be accessed by a SQP
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