Death Penalty 1.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? FrenchContemporary Social ProblemsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: OliviaEOCCreated on: 27-04-15 15:00 Arguments for the Death Penalty There is nothing more effective than the death penalty - that person can never commit a crime again The death penalty disuades people from committing crimes when there is a chance of facing the death penalty The death penalty is only for those who commit serious crimes, for example murder The death penalty provides some closure for the families of the victims Execution is cheaper than the convicted being in prison In countries where they have the death penalty, it is very popular 1 of 2 Arguments against the Death Penalty The death penalty rejects the chance of rehabilitation for a criminal The death penalty has serious psychological impacts on those who are witness to it The death penalty is just as disuasive as life in prison The death penalty is irreversible - it doesn't offer the individual a second chance Mental illnesses which are often present within those who commit srious crimes are treatable, and doesn't merit death You can't fight violence with violence 2 of 2
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