Volenti Non Fit Injuria/assumption of risk/consent- not in road accidents.
Morris v Murray 1991, Poppleton v Trustees of Portsmouth YAC 2008, Baker v Hopkins 1959, Kirkham v CC of the Greater Manchester Police 1990, Reeves v Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis 1993, Orange v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police 2001.
S2 Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977- Delaney v Pickett 2011 and Joyce v O'Brien 2013.
Moore Stephens v Stone Rolls
Moore Stephens v Stone Rolls 2009- 'can I sue my accountant in negligence or for breach of his contractual duty of care towards me? Plainy not. There could hardly be a more obvious application of the ex turpi causa principle to bar my claim.'
Safeway Stores Ltd v Twigger 2010 and Bilta v Nazir 2013.
Law Comission report-
The Illegality Defence 2010- leave to be developed by courts. Said no statutory change. Find out it is.
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