Democracy and Dictatorship - Topic 3


War Economy

Begining victories in the war due to the policy of Blitzkreig (lightning war). Nazi aims and economic figures:

  • Economic decrees were issued in Dec 1939which outlined vast programmes for war production
  • Military expenditure doubled 1939-41
  • Food rationing for some goods
  • Clothes rationing 1939
  • Soap rationed and toilet paper was unavailable 
  • Labour force mobalised for war
  • Civilian consumption declined
  • Armants were low: only increase of 2000 planes and tanks in Russian invasion were only 800 more than in the West

There was inefficaincy and a lack of coordiantion made worse by a lack of central control

1941: econimic mobilisation for total war had failed to achieve the required levels of armaments production

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Total War

End of 1941 issued the Rationalisation decree

1942 Albert Speer appointed minister of armaments. Introduced policy of "industrial self-responsibility" to ensure mass production. April the Central Planning Board was set up to coordinate production


  • Concentration camp prisoners as workers
  • Women employed
  • Skilled workers not conscripted
  • Things that did not aid the war effort were eliminated: professional sport March 1943 


  • At first a success tanks increased 25% and ammunition rose 97%
  • But handicaped by the ** exploiting land for personal gian, territories not being exploited ecomomically, 
  • In the end the Nazi economy were unable to meet the demands of total war
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Allied bombing

Air raids began 1940 and became more frequent in 1942. Became more intense leading to many people moving to more rural areas. E.g Hamburg 1943 caused a firestorm killing 30,000, forcing the govt to build emergency accomidation

1945 - 150,000 killed in raids on Dresden, destroying 70% of properties

Nearly as many killed in bombing as in the war


  • Prevented Germany from reaching full economic production, as workers were forced to move, construct underground sites and limited production


Morale remained good and remained fighting till the end. Can be explained by: Shared Hitler belief, Gestapo, Develop a super weapon.

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Anti-Semitism: Genocide

Occupation of Poland led to 3 million Jews being brough under Nazi control. Created ghettos.

1941: Rounded up Jews while invading Russia and murdered about 700,000 Jews between 1941 and 42. From 1941 onwards Jews had to wear a yellow star of david to be easily identified. The practicality of dealing with the war and the "Jewish problem" led to the creation of the final solution

The final solution was agreed at the Wannsee Confrence 1942, changing the policy from resettlement to extermination. Th extermination centers were Auschwiz, Sobibor, Treblinka. It became like an industry with camps close to railways to speed up the process. 6 million Jews were murdered in these camps along with others who did not fit into the Nazi ideal

Was it planned?

Some argue it was always planned, stating Hitler was committed to the extermination from the begining, however the implementation was haphazard, with no written orders. This may suggest that the plans were only decided in 1941 and agreed upon in 1942 

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Potsdam Conference

After the unconitional surrender of Germany, the Potsdam Conference was a meeting between the leaders of Russia, France Britain and the USA after they divided Germany up into 4 zones during the Yalta Conference. 


  • Joint allied control
  • Would be de-Nazified
  • Elections to give Germany a chance to rebuilt democratically
  • Order Nessie line between Poland and Russia as Poland gained German land
  • Germans returned to Germany
  • Economy would run as one unit
  • Soviet zone had an extra 25% reparations
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The Soviet Zone


Forces disbanded after surrender,a nd with no German Government there was no independant military force, this remained until 1955.


Soviets interned a number of former Nazis many of which died in former concentration camps. Normal Nazis who had commited themselves to communism were able to return to normal life 

Capitalism was destroyed as it was argued that Naziism stemmed from capitalism. This led to:

  • Large estates confiscated and redistrubated
  • Former Nazi property was taken
  • Later adopted by banks and factories
  • Equipment dismantled and sent to Russia as reparations
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Soviet zone pt2


Walter Ulbricht leader of German communists planned to gain control of Berlin but give an apperance of democracy

SMAD issued Order Number 2 which lisenced the formation of parties

KDP first to form followed by the Social Democratic party, which were later merged in 1946. 

Liberals also merged forming the LPD and the Catholic party the CDU

At first seen to adopt a democratic approach but by 1948 abandoned democracy 

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Consolidation of SED

SED was leading communist party in the Soviet zone, and claimed to be liberators of fascism. 

Property was confiscated from leaders allowing for the SED to gain more votes.

How did they dominate

Initially did not have majority support, with some non communists being appointed as mayors. The SED educated the future generatios to appreciate the communist principles - 

The SED eliminated other political groups 

Free expresion was limited

The party were Marxist Leninist 

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The Western Zone


Suffered total defeat in 1945. 3 Western zones and the ACC made unanimous decisions.

Problems following the war included:

  • food and fuel shortages
  • homelessness
  • refugees
  • the collapse of the currency
  • impact of genocide
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Western Zone events

1941 - USA drew up plans for German reconstruction but Russia and France did not agree, did not want a strong Germany

1946-47 - winter worsened conditions. The weak British economy meant that Britain was unable to fund its zone

1947 - economic recovery was essencial in preventing a crisis. Food had to be imported costing $700 million per year . British and American zones merged to form Bizonia

1948 - Marshall plan applied toe Western zone. The London confrence decided on the currency and state

1949 - France joined creating Trizonia 

Growing divisons over the Truman Doctrine and Marshall aid. 

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Cold War and Beriln Blockade

Single most important event in confirming the division of Germany. 

Stalin wanted to spread communism and seized the whole of Berlin as part of that process. 

"Iron Curtain"

Truman Doctrine - support governments against communism, and helped reconstruct countries at risk with the Marshall plan


Blocked access to West Berlin, aiming to starve the West Berlin 

Airlift supplies into West Berlin

Berlin became the center of the cold war

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