Democracy and Dictatorship - Topic 4
- Created by: CallmeCait
- Created on: 20-04-23 12:36
Basic law and Constitution
- Freedom of exprssion
- "Representative democracy"
- Federal state
- Temporary until Germany was united
- Uphold democracy
- President not directly elected
Number of small parties declined because:
- banned far right and far left parties
- 5% hurdle
- Small parties divided
- Right wing joined CDU
Political Parties
- Conservative Christians
- Support Capitalism
- Welfare state
- Traditionally socialist
- Working class and socialist povements
- Abandoned Marxism in 1959
- Social justice combined with individual freedom
FDP offten held a balance of power
Konrad Adenauer 1949 to 1963, chancellors democracy
Economic miracle
1947 - food production only 51% of that in 1938. Dismantled German steel industry and took away $10 billion. European economy was not going to recover without Germany.
Industrial production rose, higher wages (incomes increased 400%)
- Bizionia in 1947
- Removed price controls
- Control of wages and production
- Ending inflation through currency reform
- Reduced marginal tax rates
- Industrial production rose to 78%
- Cheap lacour from East
- Marchall Aid - 5% of national income
- Korean War 1950-53
- "Social market economy"
Foreign policy
Economic: Made indespensible to the West.
1949 - Organisation for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC) and got Marshall aid
1951 - European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)
1957 - Treaty of Rome, established the EEC later EU - and joined EURATOM
Political: Council of Europe 1948
Military: NATO 1949, joined in 1955
Did not recoginse East as seperate. Hallstein Doctrine. Did not prevent 1953 uprising in East. Did visit Moscow 1955 releasing 10,000 prisoners of War
Success of foreign policy
- Rapproachment
- Reputation rebuilt
- POWs
- Treated as an equal
- Never able to recocile the USSR
- Fear at home because of army
Social Change
25% fatherless, and women forced back home because of the cheap labour available in the Western zone
12-13 million refugees
1952 Equalisation of Burdens Act - redistribution to those who lost the most
Affluence - "building up for the future"
430,000 houses built, wages rose 400%.
Old elite still dominated and unrest from right at local levels and rnrest from left
Exonerated Nais of their crimes.
40-85% civil servants ex Nazis, pension for service to Nazi state, and own personal advisers
Decline of Adenauer
Failure to stop the Berlin Wall
Der Spiegel affair, tried to scilence the magaxine by raiding offices. Outcry - fears of dictatorship
Did not run for president 1959
Emergence of the DDR
1948 -
Declared temporary constitution
Volkshammer - represent the people
-Landerkimmer - 5 reigions
President Wilhelm Pieck
state within a state (Stasi)
1953 rising
1953 uprising:
Workers in Stalinallee end of increased work hours for same pay. General strike. Soviet troops to crush unrest
- long term disquiet
- annoncement of "new course in Soviet Union"
- Boarder controls
- collectivisation
- increased productivity without pay
- "building of socialism"
- failure to persuade to need for change
- work hours ended, more consumer goods, and improved living conditions
- Increased power of Stasi, and apprent the West would not intervine
Economic changes DDR
Land reform -
Large estates to peasants 1945. Unable to farm profitably and in 1952 introduced collectivism and land production co-operatives
Not popular, many abandoned farms and flee to the West, and production slowed
1959 LPGs 45% of agriculture, 1961 85%. Major reason for Berlin Wall.
Industry and nationalisation
Large industries under state ownership. Most people working in Peoples own Factories
and the party set the targets
Emphisis on heavy industry and 5 year plans
Issue with 5 year plans:
- ignored customer demands
- quantity over quality
- out of date
- fixed prices
- only slow improving living conditions
Seven Year plans:
1959- brought some consumer goods and an improvemnt in living and working conditions
Rationing did not end until 1958
industry pt2
Berlin wall stabalised the workforce
1962 abandoned 7 year plan, new plan never implimented
"New Economic System for Planning and Direction" (NOSPL) 1963
- more flexibility
- share profits
- quality rather than quality
This encouraged social change
Social change
- gained land but forced to join a collective
- access to better machinery
- increased educational opportunities
Factory Workers:
- higher education
- promotion was available, and given opportunity to manage
- doctors
- increased support - maternity care and after school facilities to alow women to work
Social change pt2
Mass organisations:
- Free German Trade Union League (FDGB) - SED controlled
- Democratic Womens league of Germany
- League of Culture
- German-Soviet Friendship alliance
Youth eduaction:
- Polytechnic, to win people over
- SED controlled
- Many left to study in the West
Youth opposition:
- rock and role, clampdowns to tolerance
Social Change pt3
Religion and church:
- East remained religious 15 million protestants and 1 million catholic
- Fullfil Karl Marx prophecy
- Church land not seized
- Ministers not de-Nazified
- Churches own internal affairs
- Removal of religious education
1954 Youth Dedication Service, commitment to Marxism
Churches forced to change oppinions
Atheist state
The Berlin Wall
Increased number of people moving after 1956 with the Hungarian crisis.
Khrushchev demanded that the West recognised the DDR
Support for West from USA, so many left for better opportunities. Seen as Capitalist infection, and undermining communism
1961 events:
June - Vienna summit (withdraw from West Berlin
July - Rejected demands. Travel restrictions, and Kennedy announced increased arms spending in West Berlin
August - Barbed wire wall later replaced with concrete. Only Checkpoint Charlie , restriction of free movement
October - Diplomats entered east to test, soviet tanks put on the boarder
- Physical divide
- Exodus of workers prevented
- WOrkforce stabalised
- Limited liberalisation
- 4 power agreement ended
- failed to remove west apperaing weak
- Kennedy appeared weak for refusing to tear down the wall
- Propaganda against communism
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