Democracy and Political Participation
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- Created by: Emily Warren-Ballard
- Created on: 14-05-14 19:42
what is legitimacy?
- Legitimacy: refers to the right of an individual or body to be recognised and have the right to exercise power
- Power: refers to the ability of an individ or body to force others to do something they might not otherwise do
- Authority: means the 'right to exercise power' deriving from tradition, election of charisma
- 'right to govern' and 'make laws' which will be enforced & likely to be obeyed:
- a regimed may be legitimate because its gov is widely recognised but some regimes may be disputed
- can refer to degree to which a body or gov can be justified in exercising power
- in democratic world, legitimacy conferred by election
- British gov lacks legitimacy as it is elected on a minority of the national vote
- legitimacy closely related to authority
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what is consent?
evidence that people consent to being governed in a certain way:
- by free elections
- good turnouts
- lack of popular dissent
- clear demonstrations of support for government
- by an explicit referendum to adopt a particular constituion
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what is citizenship?
- an enjoyment of rights
- enjoyment of civil liberties
- certain duties & obligations
- duty to be politically active
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what is democracy?
-any system of gov where people have access to independent info and influence gov decisions -also gov makes itself accountable -features of a modern democracy:
- regular, free & fair elections
- right for different beliefs to be tolerated
- high degree of freedom for individuals and groups
- access to independent info
- rule of law - all are equal under law
- gov operates on broad interests of people
- gov accountable
- peaceful transition from 1 gov to the next
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direct democracy
- people themselves make decisions - through referendums
- people directly consulted on pol decisions - consultative democracy
- people take initiative in making pol change
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representative democracy
- people elect representatives
- elected reps make decisions on behalf of the people
- pol parties that represent different views
- associations and pressure groups rep different sections of society, interests & causes
- representative assemblies that express the will of the people and sections of society
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how representation operates in the UK
- through MPS, represent constituents
- most MPs represent a party
- parties have a representative function
- pressure groups represent interests & causes
- HofC represents national interest
- HofL vehicle for representation as many peers rep sections of society
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pluarlist democracy
- multiple parties and pol associations are allowed to operate
- different pol beliefs tolerate & allowed to flourish
- many sources of indep info
- power dispersed among diff indiv's, bodies & institutions
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liberal democracy
- individ liberties respected & protected
- strong constitution that limits power of gov
- gov features stong internal checks & balances
- high level of pol toleration
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DEMOC IN THE UK - +ve's of rep democ
- most people do not have time to be continually involved so people do it on their behalf
- reps have more knowlegde & expertise than population
- reps can be made accountable for decisions
- demands of people may be incoherent & contradictory
- people can react emotionally & irrationally
- reps can educate public
- different sections of society & various pol causes best represented by elected reps
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-ve's of rep democ
- difficult to make reps accountable inbetween elections
- may vote in their way of their own pol career advance
- may favour parties policies over constituents
- too much pol conflict
- idea of electoral mandate flawed in the sense that votes are only presented w/ a manifesto which must be accepted or rejected
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+ve's of direct democ and referendums
- purest form of democ
- sig decisions strengthened if they recieve direct consent of the people - gives legitimacy
- referendums can educate
- people can participate more directly
- constitutional changes can be 'entrenched' trhough a ref
- when gov is decided, consulting people can solve conflict
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-ve's of direct democ and referendums
- issues may be too complex for everyday person to understand
- may vote irrationally/emotionally
- people to busy to vote, lack of turnout
- if too many 'voter fatigue'
- voters may loose respect for institutions asking them to vote too often
- may encourage 'tyranny of the majority'
- low turnout, result may lack legitimacy
- close ref may result in unsatisfactory conc
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refs in the UK
- 1975: whether or not UK should remain in the EU - yes
- 1997: whether to introd a devolved gov in Scotland - yes
- 1997: whether to give Scottish Parl power to vary level of income tax - yes
- 1997: whether to introd devolved assemb in Wales - yes
- 1998: LDN to adopt elected mayor - yes
- 1998: Northern Ireland to approve Belfast Agreement to introd a devolved gov - yes
- 2004: northeast Eng to introd an elected regional assembly - no
- 2011: whether to adopt AV electoral system - no
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comparing direct & representative democ
- direct democ purer
- direct democ opperates in connection w/ constitional changes - whereas rep concerns day-to-day running of country
- direct democ reps small will of majority - rep considers various interests & more pluarlistic
- resps accountable for their decisions
- refs seen as more legit than decisions made by rep institutions
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enhancing democ - participation in UK pol
in UK, citizens can particpate by:
- general elections
- local elections
- referendums
- joining a pol party
- pressure group
- direct action
- standing for pol office & local, regional or national level
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evidence of decline in pol participation
- turnouts in national & regional elections falling
- turnouts in refs ow
- party membership falling since 1980s
- activism in pol parties falling
- widespread disillusionment w/ party pol
- identification w/ parties fallen
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increasing pol participation - votes @ 16
- educates
- improves level of identification w/pol
- makes pol ed more relevant
- many apathetic anyway (won't vote anyway)
- too young to vote
- distortion of party pol's to attract young voters
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citizenship education
- improves pol knowlegde
- encourages engagment w/ pol
- ed expensive
- may not created genuine interest
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- provides greater access to politics
- promote a more direct form of democ
- e-voting might increase voter turnout
- internet provides vast source of indep info
- open to fraud and hacking
- illicit and falso info can circulate easily
- those who lack technical info excluded
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compulsory voting
- increases turnout
- forces people to think about politics
- people become used to voting
- results have more legitimacy
- abuse's peoples freedom
- results seen as artifical
- expensive
- cannot solve problem of apathy
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how democratic is the UK? +ve's
- free, regular elections
- free media
- democratic institutions
- freedom to vote & stand for office & to form pol parties
- parliament makes gov accountable
- refs held from time to time when important const issues are to be resolved
- variety of parties can flourish
- freedom, equality & rights protected by ECHR
- independent judicary
- rule of law applies
- Freedom of Info Act
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how democratic is the UK? -ve's
- unelected institutions persist in forms of monarch & HofL
- elections are not fair owning to FPTP system
- govs are elected on minority of national vote
- PM enjoys arbitrary, prerogative powers
- no entrenched const
- parliamentary sov means individ rights are inadequately protected
- great deal of power transferred to EU
- pol participation declining
- growing degree of pol disengagment
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methods 2 improve democ
replacing monarchy w/ elected head of state:
- increase democratic legitimacy of head of state
- would settle pol deadlocks
- could increased popular pol engagement
- might destablise politics
- head of state might give too much power to governing party
- UK would lose an important historical institution
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elected second chamber
- increased legitimacy of 2nd chamber
- would be effective check on gov power
- challenge authority of HofC
- check gov excessively
- might be less independent
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reforming electoral system
- alternative system would be fairer to give the electorate more real choices
- HofC would be more pol representative
- would increase democ legit of MPs & gov
- outcome would reflect pluralistic nature of pol more accurately
- prop rep would remove important MP-constituency link
- multiparty gov would ensue and be less stble
- unpredictable consequences
- voters mind find it difficult to accept new system
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increased use of refs
- increase pol awareness
- coudl be seen as a purer form of democ
- improve pol ed
- increase pol participation
- too many votes - voter fatigue
- people vote emotionally
- issues to complex to understand
- tryanny of maj
- lose respect for rep institutions for pol processes
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introducing a codified const
- written const stop drift towards excessive power of gov & PM
- make citizens aware of how pol system works
- create more public engagement w/ pol system
- rights & freedoms better protected
- pol system lose flexibility
- destroy pol traditions so reduce public attachment to pol
- put too much power into hands of unelected, unaccountable judges who have to interpret const
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decentralising the pol system
- local & regional gov smaller scale seen as more democ
- gov be less remote and close to people
- less tight party control over pol
- strengthen local communities
- growing power of central gov curbed
- more powerful local gov mean more variable state provision
- citizens mighty take local gov less seriously - low turnouts
- tensions between central & decentralised gov might increase
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