- Observations were conducted, as well as interviews with mothers, with q's being asked about whom infants smiled at, whom they responded to, who caused them distress etc.
- Attachment was measured in 2 ways:
Separation Protest: Assessed through several everyday situations: infant being left alone in a room, left alone with others, left in their pram outside the house, left in their pram outside the shops, left in the cot at night, being put down after being held and being passed by while sitting in a chair/cot or pram.
Stranger Anxiety: Assessed by the researcher starting each home visit by approaching the infant to see if this distressed the child.
- Most infants started to show some separation protest when aprted from their attachment figure at between 6-8 months, with stranger anxiety being shown around 1 month later.
- Strongly attached infants had mothers who responded to their needs quickly and gave more opportunities for interaction.
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