Dr Faustus



Faustus- Knowledgable yet foolish, infantile,unresponsible, unreasonable, authoriative, sorrowful, ashamed, irrational, remorseful.

Mephastophilis- Devilish, destructive,evil,sinister,revengeful,controlled,ruthless,corrupt,patient. 


Lucifer,Beelzebub,Good angel/bad angel

Valdes and Cornelius

Helen of Troy

Old man

Wagner, Robin, clown


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Quotations to remember

"Why this is hell"- Faustus describing earth to Mephastophillis

"Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss"- Faustus talking to Helen of Troy

"Now hast thou a bare hour to live" "See, see where Christ's blood streams in the fimament" "I'll burn my books, ah Mephastophillis" - Faustus's final speech.

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