- History of English drama Elizabethan and Jacobean drama (1558-1603) Give insights into society and address issues of morality, justice, political discord, social corruption and human tragedy.
- Restoration comedy (After restoration of Charles II in 1660) marriage, sexual desire and infidelity
- 18th century drama-Comedic, focuses on social pretension and human foolishness
- 19th century drama- Address social issues, naturalistic theatre (realistic portrayal of everyday life)
- Modern drama- rejection of conventional attitudes and beliefs
- Theatre of absurd- reflect the absurdity of plays which confounded audience expectations of a recognisable plot and coherent dialogue
- British kitchen sink drama- 1950's domestic realism, focusing on the lives of working and middle class characters Historical and feminist drama's American drama of the 20th century- Miller (failure of the American dream) Williams (reflectiong profound social changes occuring in post war America)
Structure of plays Exposition- early part of the play that introduces characters and sets up a situation. Complication- The middle part of the play, develops the situation showing the consequences of change and how characters respond to this. Resolution- the play's closing section, some kind of restoration
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