Early Years

  • Created by: Gina
  • Created on: 18-04-13 13:57

Three Care Values - Maintaing Confidentiality

Maintaining Confidentuality: 

  • The care workers have a responsibility for personal and private information about service users

-this builds trust between the service user and the careers so this is crucial,

-this then shows respect for service users

  • It's important that the service user is involved in discussing what is confidential and know when practitoners are obliged to share information,
  • Information can only be shared on a 'need to know basis'

-Example, locking away information in a filing cabnit

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Three Care Values - Promoting Equality and Diversi

Promoting Equality and Diversity: 

  • Everyone must be treated fairly and impartially when recieving services, this is their right

- Example, treating everyone equally and as an individual person and valuing them

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Three Care Values - Promoting Individual Rights an

Promoting Individual Rights and Beliefs: 

  • All people have a right to be consulted and involved in discussing things that affect them,
  • People have a right to express their views and beliefs

- Including the right to refuse treatment

  • These rights are protected by law, however, rights could be restricted because;

- Individual is at risk of harming themselves,

- Individual possesses a risk from others,

- Individual is intending to break the law

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Three Care Values - Care Values Backed Up By

Care Values Backed Up By: 

  • Race Relation Act 2000,
  • Sex Discrimination Act,
  • Disability Discrimination Act,
  • Human Rights Act

The care values are the basic tool used to empower and encourgae trusting realtionships between service user and carer. These values under pin the work of all professioanl carers and are derived from the Human Rights Act

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Early Years Care Values

Early Years Care Values: 

  • Walfare of a child is paramount: the care/ safety of the child is the most important thing - they should be listened to and their views should be taken into account,
  • Keeping children safe and maintaing a safe environment: safe working practices must exist,
  • Working in partnership with parents: being open with information the child's progress - and they must respect any family traditions,
  • Children's learning and development: to support all aspects of development - the child must be offered a range of experience and activites - physical, intellectual, emotional, social,
  • Valuing diversity: presenting information positively relating to traditions,
  • Equal opportunity: every child should have equal access to opportunities to learn and develop and work towards their potential,
  • Anti-discrimination: should challenge expressions of prejudice by children and adults,
  • Confidentially: should not share information about children or adults without consent have to store records - legal requirments,
  • Working with other professionals: working with other care professionals - take place with prior permission,
  • The relective practitoner: early year workers need to reflect on practices and plan for development and extending practice
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Codes of Practice

Codes of Practice: 

  • Set out standards of professional practice required from professional care workers - it comes from laws and policies develop from them,
  • To comply with the law employers need to ensure that they have policies in place to enable the law to be implemented within the work place and ensure they don't discriminate against the workers and service users,
  • Organisations need to have an equal opportunity policy which should be based on codes of practice which are produced by the equal opportunity commission

Equal Opportunities Policy: 

  • Policy statement: detailed account of an approach towards a particualr issue,
  • Implementation plan: how a policy will be put into place,
  • Monitoring: how it will be monitored once it's put into place to include collection of data,
  • Evaluation: (of a policy) to ensure fair represntation of people from all groups of the community,
  • Target setting: after weighing up the evaluation targets are set to create improvements of future performances
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