Edexcel Timeline of the Cold War 1943-1991

It's quite brief and has the key events but not explained!


Section 4 : Development of the Cold War. 1943-56

  • ·       1941 - The Grand Alliance was created.

    ·       1943 - Tehran Conference

    ·       1945 - Yalta Conference

    ·       - Potsdam Conference

    ·       1946 - Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech

    ·       - Long telegram sent

    ·       - Novikov's telegram sent

    ·       1947 - Truman Doctrine announced

    ·       - Marshall Plan announced

    ·       - Cominform created

    ·       1948 - Paris Conference

    ·       1948-49 - Berlin Blockade

    ·       1949 - Comecon created

    ·       - West Germany and East Germany created

    ·       - Formation of NATO

    ·       1955 - Warsaw Pact established

    ·       1956 - Krushchev's "Secret Speech"

    ·       - Soviet invasion of Hungary

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Section 5: 3 Cold War Crises. 1957-69

·       1957 – Russian Scientist launch Sputnik 1

·       1959 – Geneva Summit

·       1960 – Paris Conference

·       1961 – Vienna Conference

·       - East German troops erect a barbed wire fence around West Berlin

·       - Bay of Pigs invasion

·       1962 – Premier Krushchev sends nuclear missiles to Cuba

·       1962 – Cuban Missile Crisis

·       1963 – President Kennedy visits Berlin

·        - ‘Hotline’ between Washington and Moscow created

·        - Limited test ban treaty

·       1968 – ‘Prague Spring’

·        - Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia

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Could you please put the rest of the timeline on?

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