Elizabeth I - economic, social & religious developments in early years

  • Created by: KingLou99
  • Created on: 17-05-17 16:45

Economic, social, religious developments Elizabeth

Impact of economic and social developments, 1558-63

  • Elizabeth came to throne at difficult time -> bad harvests + high mortality rate + high taxation + cut in real wages = fear of social instability -> government dealing with problems didn't understand
  • Council of the North tried getting corporations to enforce wage rates -> 113 labourers charged with unlawfully high wages
  • Statute of Artificers 1563 = national attempt to sort problem -> rules = compulsory labour (harvest time) + minimum of 1 year before workmen could be dismissed + had to serve 7-year apprenticeship for craft + setting maximum wage rates by JPs -> lacked enforcement

Poor relief 

  • Poverty = increase in population + low real wages for labouring poor + rising prices -> harvest failures = food shortages 1550s + 1590s
  • Cecil concerned number of homeless + unemployed = serious threat to law + order
  • Differentiated between 'deserving poor' + 'undeserving poor' -> deserving entitled to receive limited assistance -> undeserving could be punished
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Economic, social, religious developments Elizabeth

  • Reformation destroyed institutions offering poor relief -> national legislation lagged behind local provision -> set up in Norwich + Ipswich

Stabilising the currency

  • Early in reign -> announced withdrawal of debased coins + replaced by minted coins -> ensured only sound coins in circulation -> government didn't resort to debasement again -> government weren't responsible for rising prices

Impact of religious developments, 1558-63

  • Elizabethan settlement = undoubtedly Protestant -> returning exiles saw Elizabeth as 'Deborah' = Old Testament heroine who protected Israelites from Canaanite enemies
  • Appointed new bishops -> some were moderates, e.g Matthew Parker Archbishop of Canterbury = trusted by Elizabeth -> most new bishops returned from exile -> strategy to reshape hierarchy of Church of England
  • Elizabeth disapproved of clergy marrying + preaching -> ensured preservation of musical culture in cathedrals + universities
  • Emphasised Erastian nature of Church of England
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Economic, social, religious developments Elizabeth

  • Settlement defined relationship between Crown + Church + established Church's doctrinal position -> some believed it was starting point for spiritual renewal = England as God's elect nation
  • Settlement defined by developments over next 4 years -> 1562 publication of An Apology of the Church of England by John Jewel -> argued returning to true position abandoned centuries ago by Church of Rome -> 1563 publication of Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion = defined difference between Church of England + Catholic Church -> adopted broad + comprehensive approach to essential beliefs -> leading members concerned with Church structures, disciplinary procedures, services, clerical dress
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