There is an energy crisis in the USA for the following reasons:
- Consumed 21.3% of all global primary energy supplies and 23.8% of the world’s oil in 2007
- An average American consumes over 100 times more electricity than a citizen of Karibati – the world’s lowest electricity consumer
Reliance on imports
- 3 main needs for energy are: electricity generation, transport and heating
- Oil and natural gas are major sources for these fuel needs
- 1960-2003: USAs reliance on imported oil and gas increased from 18-58% (oil on its own is at 70%)
- USA became concerned about the dependence on imports after 9/11
- Bush (2006): America must end its dependence on oil and dependence on the Middle East is an economic security issue and a national security issue
- Oil is used in every sector of its economy, so any price rise threatens the economy by making everything more expensive
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