English Language: Paper 2: Q5


Mark Scheme + Timing:

Planning Time: 5 minutes

Writing Time: 35 minutes

Proof-reading Time: 5 minutes

Content and Organisation = 24 Marks

A05: Communicating ideas clearly and effectively, the organisation of ideas, coherent writing, selection and adaption of tone style and register for effect.

Technical Accuracy = 16 Marks

A06: Use of a range of vocabulary and sentence structure for clarity, purpose and effect, accurate spelling and punctuation.

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Analysing the question:

When analysing the question, ensure that you use FAP

F = Form - What has the question asked you to write? Is it a newspaper article? A letter? A speech? 

A = Audience - You need to know the audience so that you know the formality of your response, and also so that you know how to win the argument with them.

P = Purpose - Why are you writing this body of text? It could be to argue, persuade, discuss, explain, etc.

Example Question: 'Teenagers are obsessed with social networking sites which have a completely negative effect on their lives. These sites should be banned.' Write an article in which you agree or disagree with this statement. 

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Linguistic Devices:

For this question, you should be using the devices included in the acronym ARRESTED:

Alliteration - Repetition of the same letters or sounds at the start of words for effect

Rhetorical Question - Any question you ask that does not require an answer

Repetition - Writing a word or phrase more than once

Emotive Language - Words which elicit a powerful emotional response from the reader

Statistics - Numerical facts and data

Rule of Three - Lists of three things in a sentence

Exaggeration - Overstating a point

Direct Address - Referring to the reader directly by using the pronouns 'we' or 'you'

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How to win the argument!

To win an argument (with the examiner), we need to do a bit of second-guessing - this means that we need to anticipate what they will say, and then directly argue these points.

EXAMPLE: 'Social networks are all bad, they should be banned'

- Social media is good fun

- It raises awareness of important issues


- Encourages online bullying -> Bullying isn't caused by online communication

- Prevents social interactions at family gatherings -> Perhaps it's not safe to go outside!


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What should go into the answer?

TITLE: The title of your text needs to engage the reader, so it should use pronouns such as 'you' and be a rhetorical question that encourages them to read on.

SUBHEADING: This should only be one sentence (2 lines max) and should give a very brief overview of what you will discuss in the paragraphs to come.

PARAGRAPHS 1-3: This is the main body of the text - it is where you will get all of the marks. Use all of the features of ARRESTED, but especially statistics, as they will make your piece appear more authentic.

CONCLUSION: Summarise what you have just written - show the audience of your text that you have clearly answered your question. End the piece in an interesting way as though it were being professionally published - it should leave a lasting impression on the reader!

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Write an answer to the social media question below

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Karina Lang


You can practice the questions on past papers at your own pace, which makes them an excellent way to prepare for an exam. Students like to get assignment help sydney to complete their homework. I am glad that you provided the link to the website where we can download the past papers.

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