Simile = Asimilie works by comparing two things, usally linking them with like or as.
e.g 'the frpg was like a saffron blanket soacked in ice water'theis makes all writing more interwsting and it is even mor afective in poems.
Metaphor = ameta- dose much the same job but brings even more close togetherthe two things beying compared by saying that on thing is another noy like another. This way the picture is even more vivid.
E.G = 'A thin worn of smoke srose from the chimne' in this egsample it shows how that the smok is wigily the same as a worm.
personificatio = this is when you give somthing not living life like a person.
E.G= 'the waves whent up and down as if they were breathing ' that has somthing to do with life because waves dont breath but living things do.