English Language and Literature Terminology
Terminology for English Language and Literature
- Created by: Abbie Jukes
- Created on: 28-05-13 10:52
Concrete Noun
Things that exist physically
Abstract Noun
Things that refer to ideas or feelings
Replace nouns 'You', 'We', 'She' and established sense of identity, distance and mystery
Proper Nouns
Specific people and places, add realism
Pre or post, add detail to noun or verb to influence reader
Describe the best or worst of something, emphasise extremes
Dynamic Verb
Physical actions, often imply that the action is more important in the sentence
Stative Verb
Express state of being or processes with no obvious action
Intransitive Verbs
Verbs which cannot take an object
Transitive Verb
Verb which must take an object
Modal/Auxiliary Verbs
Verbs such as 'most', 'could', 'should' which express degrees of certainty, obligation or possibility
Emotive Language
Words that arouse strong feelings in the audience
Figurative Language
Words that are used figuratively to construct a comparision
Deictic Language
Words that rely on context to give them meaning
Transactional Language
Term to describe language that is mainly factual
Colloquial Language
Expressions from everyday speech, often found in spontaneous conversation and writing which tries to mimic this (realism)
A style of writing suited to a particular purpose, e.g. informal/formal
An individual's unique style of speaking
Slang expressions found in everyday speech which are not to be taken literally, e.g. 'It's raining cats and dogs'
Language producing feelings of pity or sorrow
Language delibrately used for anti-climatic effect
Syntactic structure/parallelism
Expressing ideas through repeating sentence structures for emphasis or effect
Triadic Structure
Pattern of three used, giving a sense of rhythm
Minor Sentence
Sentence without a verb
Simple Sentence
A sentence that contains only one verb
Compound Sentence
Two clauses joined together with a connective, e.g. 'and', 'if', 'but'
Complex Sentence
Two or more clauses joined together, of which one clause would not make sense without the other
Statement, used for facts and opinions
Begin with a verb. Used to give instruction, warning or advice; often connote power
End with '!', used to express extreme feelings of horror, shock, anger, surprise etc
End with a '?', and used to make the audience consider the question asked
Omission of part of a sentence that can only be understood by context
Asyndetic Listing
Listing which does not contain any conjunctions
Syndetic Listing
List which contains conjunctions
Exaggeration or overstatement for delibrate effect
Dramatic Irony
When the meaning of a situation is understood by the audience, but not by the characters
One thing is used to represent another
Ideas, feelings or associations that a word suggests in addition to its primary, literal meaning
The primary, literal meaning with no extra associations
Rhetorical Devices
Linguistic devices used to influence the audience e.g. parallelism, hyperbole, rhetorical questions, emotive language
Semantic Field
A set of words catergorised in a certain way
Simplest unit of speech, bounded only by a fullstop
Word that changes or qualifies the meaning of a verb, adjective, other adverb, clause, sentence or any other word or phrase, except that it does not include the adjectives and determiners that directly modify nouns.
Describing word, which gives more information about a noun or noun phrase
Two or more words which contain the same vowel letter or sound
Noun phrase
A single noun or pronoun that function together as a noun or pronoun, which function together as a subject or object of a verb
How people refer to each other
Words used to soften the force of something that is being said, e.g. 'Perhaps', 'maybe'
The topic of conversation
When a speaker re-formulates an utterance to include information that should have been included earlier
Phatic Talk
Formulaic utterances with stock responses, used to establish rapport
Adjacency Pairs
Exchanges between speakers that are connected and have expected responses (e.g. a question expects an answer)
Group of words that modifies or tells us something about the sentence or verb (time, manner, place, frequency etc)
Use of a form of a speech or writing that is no longer current
Study of the history of words
Satirical Comedy
Intends to underline the vices of society
Imitation of the style of a particular writer that mocks the piece
Work of literature that closely imitates the work of a writer etc but celebrates rather than mocks the piece of work
The order of words
A contrast or direct opposition of something else
A word or phrase inserted as an explanation or afterthought into a passage which is grammatically complete without it, in writing usually marked off by brackets, dashes, or commas
Arranging of type in order to make language visible
Study of handwriting
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