English Language Exam english revision notes 3.0 / 5 based on 5 ratings ? EnglishGCSEAll boards Created by: Georgina HoweCreated on: 07-05-11 16:05 PRESENTATIONAL DEVICES Headings/subheadings Fonts Bullet points Colours White space Paragraphs Logos Capital letters Images 1 of 4 A FOREST A alliteration F acts O pinion R epitition E xaggeration S hort sentences T hree (rule of) 2 of 4 LANGUAGE DEVICES Personal pronouns, punctuation, personification Descriptive/scientific language Irony/sarcasm/puns Bias/shocking Colloquial- informal (customed to a certain area) Complex language Similies/metaphors Anecdotal language (things that have happened in your past that you remember- personal to you) 3 of 4 WRITING TO EXPLAIN intorudce the subject with a general statement write in the PRESENT tense dont have an emotional tone/dont give your opinion use facts to support ideas be clear/detailed have a clear ending 4 of 4