Affixation- Prefixation or Suffixation, adding either a prefix or suffix onto an existing word. (E.g. e-money, foodie)
Ex-Nihilo Neologisms- Creating a word from scratch with no links to existing words. (E.g. Prozac)
Compound- Creating a new word by joining two existing morphemes. (E.g. Propeller-head)
Blend- Creating a new word by combining clippings of two other words. (E.g.Grebo- Greaser+Dumbo)
Conversion- Taking a word class and converting it to another. (E.g. To bottle it, verb from noun bottle)
Clipping- Creating a new word by shortening and existing one. (E.g. Decaffeinated=> decaf)
Back formation- Removing an affix from a word to create a new one. (E.g. Paramedical=> paramedic)
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