English Language terminology 5.0 / 5 based on 1 ratingTeacher recommended ? English LanguageInvestigating languageA2/A-levelAll boards Created by: sarahCreated on: 02-10-13 17:12 euphemism a more socially acceptable/'polite' way of saying something that may be considered taboo 1 of 27 dysphemism the blunt expression of a 'distasteful' or 'taboo' word 2 of 27 connatation the associations you make with a word 3 of 27 denotation what a word literally means 4 of 27 semantic field words which belong in the same category of meaning 5 of 27 idiolect your individual commonly used words/phrases 6 of 27 dialect words specific to a particular region speech 7 of 27 descriptivism the theory that language should only be described, not judged as language uses chane according to PAC 8 of 27 PRESCRIPTIVISM the theory that there are 'rules' governing language that we should all adhere to 9 of 27 socialect the language common to a particular social groups 10 of 27 convergence the 'mirroring' of lang to fit a social purpose 11 of 27 syntax word order 12 of 27 syntactical parallelism using the same sentence structure 13 of 27 elliptical sentence grammatically incorrect sentence 14 of 27 deixis words such as 'this' 'that'- sort of verba pointing 15 of 27 taboo common in text, social networking as part as socialect 16 of 27 prosodic features paralinguistic vocal elements of speoken anguage that give emphasis, create humour, suggest the intended meaning 17 of 27 lexis field linked to specific context and be part of sociolect or idiolect 18 of 27 synonym words with a similar meaning 19 of 27 common noun naming name 20 of 27 auxiliary verb helper verb- to have,to be 21 of 27 ellipsis missing out words, incomplete sentence 22 of 27 neologism new word 23 of 27 compounding two words are stuck together in their entirety to make a new word 24 of 27 blending two words moulded to make a new word 25 of 27 shortening chopping a bit off the end of a word 26 of 27 main verb doing or being word 27 of 27