'Storm' - literal, physical storm. Also represents the civil war as a storm - raging, angry, violent. Civil war - History of Ireland - Protestant + Catholic.
'Storm-on-t" - Irish parliament - CONTEXT - Government - Politics.
"We are prepared, we built our houses, squat" - Repetition of 'we' is representative of patriotism and unity within the irish people who are fighting for the 'good' of ireland and living through the war.
'Squat' - Resolute - Will not be moved. Compressed/ strong/ hard/ tough.
"Sink walls in rock and roof them with good slate" - 'Rock' - Represents strength, not in need of help. Relates to nature - Symbolic of 'going back to their roots'.
"Exploding comfortably" - Juxtaposition - Violence - Imagery of war 'exploding' - gunfire, bombs, etc.
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