Environmental Economics
- Created by: SusannahJennings
- Created on: 03-01-18 11:39
Three Main Parts within the topic
Economic Modelling- Interaction between economics and the environment
Economic Valuation- How economists work out the benefits of a environmental resource
Economic Tools- Simulating Sustainable Tools, Cost Benefit Analysis, Discounting
Economics (Social Science)
- Production and Consumption
- Analysis of Commercial Activities
- Production
- How?
- What?
- Why?
Traditional Economics is criticised by Environmental Economics
Scarcity = The Basic Economic Problem
Resources are scarce when they are not freely available = soon as the price exceeds zero
Environmental Problems from traditional economics
Market Failure Environmental Economists localise and analyse market failure
Traditional economics does not account for
- 1/Toxins
- 2/The loss of Finite Resources
- 3/Reduction in natural capital stock
- 5/Loss in Biodiversity
- 6/Loss in Soil Quality
- 7/Loss in Water Quality
What Environmental Economists do?
- Localise and Analyse Market Failure
- Consider the environmental indecisions
- Environmental Costs and Benefits
- Case by Case project development
- National Policy
Neo-Classical Economics
- Goods, Outputs, Income Distribution
Neo-Classical economics 8 laws
1/ Rational Preference = associated with values
2/ Individuals maximise utility and firms maximise profit
3/Individuals are independent and informed when making purchasing decisions
4/ Individuals focus on themselves
5/ Pursuit of Personal well being
6/ Freedom to choose
7/ Self Interested
8/ Individuals make Utilitarian and rational decisions
Adam Smith 1723-1790
Three Laws
1/ The law of self interest
2/ The law of competition
3/ The law of supply and demand
Market determines the use of resources
Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations 1776-the consumers want to find a cheap price. This is an 'invisible hand'-the 'invisible hand' effieciently allocates resources to where they are needed. Markets use prices to communicate the wants and limits of society so as to bring about co-ordinated economic decisions in the most efficient manner.
Therefore resources will be allocated where they are needed. This maximises satisfaction and profit.Markets use prices to communicate the wants and limits of society, so as to bring about cordinated decisions
The value in use paradox
Water vs Diamonds
Water= No Market
Not relatively scarce, but useful
No competition for its uses
Increase in marginal use
Scace in supply
Few uses, marginal utility changes according to availability
Alfred Marshall 1842-1924-Equilibrium Scissor Poin
"Equilibrium Point" at the "Scissor Point "of supply and demand
Discusses how economics relates too: Biology, Welfare Economics, Scarcity and Price
Private Goods
1/ Not unlimited= there's a cost
2/ Requires inputs and technologies
3/ Investment-expectation of demand
4/Costs of production= not greater that the price of the consumers willing to pay
5/ A market exsists
6/ Production=Costs Consumer=needs income
7/Goods and costs = internal to the market
8/ Private goods don't often deal with the positive or negative consequences
9/ External Costs and benefits should equal social costs and benefits
10/ To achieve social welfare= minimum social cost and maximum social benefits
Externalities are when costs and benefits fall on those not involved in production
This could be a high social or private cost= market failure
Pollution is the classic negative externality
Private Costs
- Are incurred by the consumer and are faced directly by them
- Internalised cost of production and consumption
Social costs
- Private costs + externality
- Negative externalities add to social costs
- Take the producer and consumer into account
Gokianluv et al, Harvard Review,2014
A Cost-Benefit Analysis
GHG Emissions
1st generational biofuels, primarily ethanol, have GHG emissions
Secondary Effects
1st generation impacts on biodiversity , air, destruction of habitats, water diversion, pollution exhaustion of arable land
Impact on Food Security
International food policy research, 2008
Biofuels responsible for 30% of weighted food price increase
Threat to food security cannot be solved by the second generation
Markets consist of Buyers and Demanders and Suppliers and Producers
- Production and exchange
- Items for Sale
- Consumers
Each consumer is seeking to maximise
1/ satisfaction
2/ welfare
Firms have a goal of profit maximisation
The role of the market
The market is a place where decisions are made about
- households about consumption issues
- firms about production
workers about how much and for whom to work
These decisions=individual plans =adjustment of prices. The market will allocate resources in an optimal way to achieve the greatest possible satisfaction.
Power of the Markets
Market Prices
Laws of nature
Laws of Man
Some social scientists believe that the markets are the most efficient tool humans have discovered to organise and coordinate the diffuse set of information spread through society
Supply and Demand
Demand-The amount consumers desire to purchase at various alternative prices, reflects the degree of value customers place on items. Price and satisfaction gained from purchase
Supply-The amount prducers are willing to offer for sale at various prices, reflects the cost of the resources used in production and the returns/profits required
The Free Market economy
- The system that operates the most in the world
- A system where individuals and firms (as distinct from the central authorities) exert major influence over the allocation of resources
- The alternative is the command economy
- Most economies are mixed
Property Rights
Property Rights are simply legal control or ownership of a good
A well-defined property rights system represents a set of entitlements that define the owner's privaleges and obligations for the use of the resource
Comprehensive- all resources are privatly or collectively owned
Exclusive- all benefits and costs from use of a resource should accrue to the owner, and only to the owner
Transferable-rights should be transferable from one owner to the other, giving the owner the incentive to conserve the source
Secure- From involuntary seisure or restriction by other people, firms or the government
Unclearly defined property rights=market failure because producers and consumers may not be held to account, for example since noone owns clean air it is difficult to settle accountability
Profit Maximisation
as long as marginal revenue> marginal cost total profits will be increasing or losses decreasing. The profit maximisation output occurs when marginal revenue =marginal cost
As price per unit declines, so demand expands
Initially total revenue rises but at a decreasing rate
Once the firm moves into profit the profit increases because the marginal revenue from selling units is greater than the marginal cost of producing them
Most economic choices made at the margin
Is it profitable to produce the next car?
How income is spent one decision at a time
Marginal Cost=The Cost of Producting the next unit
Prodution increases=MC starts high, falls then rises again
Low output=low cost becuase of simple production techniques
Output rises=more sophisticated techniques can be used
Marginal Revenue and Marginal Cost
Marginal Revenue= The Revenue recieved from that Unit
As MR falls throughout there is an increase in output
It takes into account the revenue lost by selling all output at a lower price as output increases, as the demand curve as out put increases the price falls
If MR> MC, an increase in output will increase profits
IF MR<MC a decrease in output will increase profits
So, profits are maximised when MR=MC, at the point where supply and demand cross as long as the firm covers viable costs
The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
The more of a commodity that an individual has already consumed to satisfy a want. The less is the extra gain in utility generated from consuming one more unit.
Indifference Curve
This is a representation of a consumers preference ordering. Includes all the consumption bundles that are indifferent to each other. Indifference curves representing distinct levels of preference can not cross (such as clothes and food)
Subsitutions Effect and Income Effect
Subsitutions Effect
The rise in the price of clothes makes the consumer buy more food as this is cheaper
Income Effect
If income is reduced. Consumers will spend less on both goods
The Production Decision
- For any output level, a firm attempts to minimise costs
- Assumption that the firm aims to maximise profits
- Profits depend on both the COSTS and the REVENUE, each, of which varies with the level of output
- As long as MC exceeds MR the firms should increase its profit
- Selling one more unit needs to add more to the MR than MC
Production-Possibility Boundary
The production-possibility boundary separates the attainable combinations from unattainable combinations
Depends on efficient use of society's resources
Due to the scarcity of resources, the economy can only provide certain combinations of goods
If we divide the economy into Private and Public goods- there is a maximum of either we can produce shown by the Production Possibility Boundary
Market Failure
Market Failure=any market performance that is less than the most efficicient possible
Climate Change is the worst possible market failure
1/ Economists of different political philosophies argue about the extent to which governments need to intervene in the workings of the free market
2/Free market economists argue that government intervention should be kept to a minimum, socialist economists argue for greater state control
3/ For environmental protection the free market fails
4/ A condition in which a market does not efficiently allocate resources to achieve the greatest possible consumer satisfaction
5/4 main market failures: Public good, Market Control, Externality and Imperfect Information
6/ A market acting without any government imposed direction does not direct an efficient amount of our resources into the production, distribution or consumption of the good
Market Failure-Public Goods
- National Defence, Climate, Open Spaces, Oceans
- Use by one person does not prevent others
- It is not possible to exclude others
- Not within the free market
- Can lead to the problem of "Free Riding"
Market Failure Externalities and Social Costs
- Most important for the environmental economics example -eg. pollution
- present when individual's utility and production include real variables, whose values are chosen by others without paticular attention to the effects on the individual's welfare
- Pollution could spoil sport recreation or threaten food security
Market Failure Social Costs
MPC= marginal product cost (cost to firm)
MSC= marginal social cost (cost to society)
MSB= marginal social benefit
Os= output of society (level society wants to produce at)
Op= output for firm (level firm wants to produce at)
Possible Ways to Correct Market Failure
- Force the firm to produce at Os (output of society)
- Tax firm on either: unit of output or each unit of pollution.
- If there's a one to one relationship it is better to tax pollution, if not then pollution could be taxed
External Costs
- Private costs of production vs Social Cost
- Cost of production does not always take into account pollution and social costs
- Thus it may be better for society to produce less, but prices would rise
Case Study The Great Bear Rainforest
Greenpeace- When campaigning started half the rainforest had been lost to clearcut logging in the 1990's the other half was licenced to logging companies
Renamed the Great Bear Rainforest
Made contact with indigenous communities
campained with international customers
2001 reached agreements-to diversify economy away from logging
Great Bear Rainforest -Greiss et al,2017
renamed the Great Bear Rainforest(GBR) previously known as the timber supply area
GBR is a temperate rain forest extending over 6.4 million hectares of land along British Columbia's Pacific North and Central Coast
largest coastal tempare rainforest in the world
2 million hectares are protected-commericial logging and hydro development are excluded, but mining and development of toursm may be permitted. Outside the protected area ecosystem based management is used
Janauary 2016 a new land use objective order was legally established designed to support ecosystem based management in the GBR-comanaged by BC's provincial government, first nations and coalitions- First Nations Cultural Heritage Values, Freshwater Ecosystems, Landscape and Stand Level Biodiversity and Wildlife considerations
GBR Greiss et al 2017
Challenges for sustainable timber supply
survey 1619 people employed in harvesting and silverculture
3408 working in the primary processing industry
Provincial Timber Supply Review indicates a mid term shortage in the timber suple due to the given age class structure in relation to the nature of the requirements for ecosystem based management, due to underharvesting as the trees are relatively old they have to be retained and cannot be harvested
Carbon Credits
offers an economic alternative
gives individuals the opportunity to offset their emission
The GBR order could gives opportunities to sell carbon credits through a carbon project
Case Study, Greiss et al 2017
Two of the objectives of the GBR order are to develop employment opportunities and allow ecosystem integrity
Finiding a compromise between revenues from timber sales and those from carbon credits may translate into a balance between employment opportunities and ecosystem integrity. This trade off depends on various markets (timber and carbon).
Greiss et al use a computer based system DSS to evaluate consequences of policy
Carbon market- long term values and market stability remain uncertain
returns from carbon credit may lead to higher returns than timber sales
Nordon and Tansey, 2011, University of British Col
Many governments efforts to "Command and Control" the protection of ecosystems have met with limited success at best
Carbon offsets have been generated by the GBR
More traditional market based instruments are also exsistent: Ecotourism, hunting, logging and fishing
The price of the liscences appears to be far below true value. the proliferation of public land and provincial economic policies supress market activity for such liscences, and appear to be the driving force behind market imperfection.
The Coal Question
Exhausting a non-renewable resource as a threat to growth
John Stuart Mill 1806-1873
- Stationary State-Physical Limits of Economic Growth reached would reproduce wealth by replacing worn-out goods, maintain capital stock, husband non-renewable resources
- Originally stated that only " things" with non-market value have value. Air does not count
- However if atmosphere became too scanty or could be monopolized, air might acquire high market value
Malthus and Ricardo
Thomas Malthus 1766-1834
Population increase geometically but food production only arithmetically
David Ricardo 1722-1823
Diminshing returns and comparitive advantage
Karl Marx 1818-1883
Labour Theory of Value
Emphasis on Social Relationships
Capitalism causes extreme social separation of human producers from conditions of production
Resource Depletion as an inevitable problem of capitalism
Ostrom's Principles
Ostrom identifies eight "design priciples" of a stable local common pool reosurce management
1. Clearly defined boundaries (effective exclusion of external unentitled parties)
2. Rules regarding the appropiation and provision of common resources are adapted to local conditions
3. Collective-choice arrangements allow most resource appropriators to participate in the decision making process in the form of multiple layers of nested enerprises, with small local CPRs at the base level.
Used case studies from around the world to look at how people shared Common Pool Resources to address the Tragedy of the Commons Governing the Commons The Evolution of of Institutions for Collective Action, 1990
Ostroms Principles 2
4.Effective monitoring by monitors who are part of or accountable to the appropiators
5. There is a scale of graduated sanctions for resource appropiators who violate community rules
6. Mechanisms of conflict resolution are cheap and easy of access
7. The self-determination of the community is recognised by higher level authorities
8. In the case of larger common-pool resources: organisation
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