Environmental Factors That May Make Abuse More Likely


Care Services With Institutional Practices

Can involve rigid routines and invasive or intrusive practices that do not respect individuals privacy, comfort and unique needs.

In some cases, these practices could form part of day-to-day working and therefore may become acceptable for those working and live there.

it them becomes more difficult for individuals and those who work in the setting to report or speak out about these instituational practices if they are the minority.

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Adults and Children Residing in Health and Social

Adults and children living in health and social care settings usually perceive these settings as safe amd those who work there and/or live there with them as being in positions of trust and power.

Therefore, they may be afraidto speak out about abuse that is happening as they may fear that they could lose their home or be responsible for the professional losing their job or going to prison.

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Health Services

These are visited by individuals with a wide range of need. Practitioners are usually viewed as being in positions of trust and power.

If staff are not trained well, or do not have the necessary skills to communicate and problem solve effectively, then individuals may not receive safe and effective care. 

In addition, may also be understaffed and this may mean the staff will be under a lot of pressure and have less time to carry out their responsibilites safely.

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Independent Living Facilites

They aren't staffed all the time so individuals who live there may become targeted by other individuals who live there, by staff, their visitors or relatives.

Individuals may also be perceived as needing less care and support than some other vulnerable groups and thereofre may be at risk from abuse because they may not be visited as frequently or may lose contact with the family and friends.

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Being homeless often means individuals become isolated and do not have much contact with their family and friends and others who know them:this can make them targets for abuse.

Individuals who are homeless will also be more likely to move from one place to another and could also stay from time to time in unsafe public areas or with individuals who abuse them

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