Respiration is catalysed by enzymes as this releases energy. the cell needs this enrgy to do its job.
- Respiration is the process of releasing enrgy from glucose which goes on every cell
Aerobic Respiration
- Aerobic respiration is respiration using oxygen
- Most efficient way to release energy from glucose
- Happens inside plants and animals
- Most of the aerobic respiration happens inside the mitochondria
Glucose + Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide + Water + ENERGY
Reasons for respiration
- To build up larger molecules from smaller ones (proteins from amino acids)
- In animals, to allow the ,uscles to contract so they are able to move about
- In mammals and birds the energy is used to keep their body temperature steady (warm)
- In plants, to build up sugars, nitrates into amino acids, which are then built up into proteins
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