Responsible for aerobic respiration----Breaks down glucose using oxygen to form energy
Produces and contains its own ribosomes
Crista inner membrane- gives a large surface area for chemical reactions (production of ATP)
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Composed of a RNA type protein
Unique structure (no exterior membrane)
Carry out protein synthesis
Found in cytoplasm or attached to the surface of the ER
Can be found in Prokaryotic but Eukaryotic cells are larger and denser
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Vacuoles and Centrosomes
Vacuoles (only in plants):
Stores of food, metabolic waste, toxins and water
Large surface area
allows the uptake of water (giving rigidity to the organism)
In all Eukaryotic cells
Produces microtubles
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Chloroplast and Cytoplasm
Chloroplast(plant cells only):
Similar size of a bacterial cell
Double membrane
Contains chlorophyll (produces energy)
In the plasma membrane or the outer boundary wall
Holds organelles
"Jelly like"
Fluid proportion of cytoplasm between organelles is the cystol
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Digest things (arise from the Golgi apparatus)
Lacks internal structure (sacs bounded by one membrane with over 40 enzymes)
All are hydraulic and catalyze the break down of protein, nucleic acid, lipids and carbohydrates
fuse old and damages things together (recycling components)
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Golgi Apparatus
Golgi Apparatus:
Stack of flattened compartments where molecules are packed for delivery to other cell compartments of for secretion.
Next to the ER
Receives products from the ER-moves into cisterae-movement continues to the transide (ready for discharging)- small sacs come out on the transide (vessicles- needed in or out of the cell)
Can be found in glandular cells
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Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)(network of flattened sacs and tubes):
Rough ER:
makes proteins for mRNA (protein synthesis)
two proteins: one goes to the reticulum membrane and the other goes on to be modified
proteins become: parts of membranes or messengers between cells
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Smooth ER:
Enzymes embedded on its surface
Produces: membrane phosphillipids, cellular lipids, sex hormones
Stores calcium ions
Transports lipid-based compounds
Aids liver in releasing glucose into the blood stream
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