Euthanasia Euthanasia 3.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? Religious StudiesLife and deathGCSEAll boards Created by: KieranCreated on: 16-05-11 11:18 Euthanasia Euthanasia Often refurred to as MERCY KILLING or DYING WITH DIGNITY. Types Of Euthanasia Voluntary Euthanasia- Euthanasia is performed because the patient has ASKED for it. Involuntary Euthanasia- Euthanasia is performed WITHOUT the patient being told. (E.G- Coma Patient) Passive Euthanasia- Doctors give the patient pain killing drugs or switch of a life macine moniter, KNOWING that it will KILL the patiant. Active Euthanasia- Doctors do NOTHING to save the patients life. Compulsory Euthanasia- Euthanasia has to be performed beacuse a person has a certain illness or has reached a certain age. (NOT LEGAL IN THE UK!) 1 of 3 Active Euthanasia FOR The right to SELF-DETERMINE- if it is what the patient wants, it should be able to happen. No animal would be made to stay in pain, WHY SHOULD A HUMAN? Feeding tubes PROLONG the dying of patients. AGAINST Can a person be SURE that this is truley what they want? There have been IMPROVEMENTS in caring, so it is not necassary to die. Someone could look after you. 2 of 3 Passive Euthanasia FOR The law PROTECTS the majority of society from harmful consequences of allowing Euthanasia. AGAINST SUICIDE is legal, not to allow disabled people help with dying is DISCRIMINATION. 3 of 3
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