Euthanasia Euthanasia 2.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? Religious StudiesLife and deathGCSEAll boards Created by: KieranCreated on: 16-05-11 11:20 Euthanasia Euthanasia Often refurred to as MERCY KILLING or DYING WITH DIGNITY. Types Of Euthanasia Voluntary Euthanasia- Euthanasia is performed because the patient has ASKED for it. Involuntary Euthanasia- Euthanasia is performed WITHOUT the patient being told. (E.G- Coma Patient) Passive Euthanasia- Doctors give the patient pain killing drugs or switch of a life macine moniter, KNOWING that it will KILL the patiant. Active Euthanasia- Doctors do NOTHING to save the patients life. Compulsory Euthanasia- Euthanasia has to be performed beacuse a person has a certain illness or has reached a certain age. (NOT LEGAL IN THE UK!) 1 of 3 Active Euthanasia Active Euthanasia FOR The right to SELF-DETERMINE- if it is what the patient wants, it should be able to happen. No animal would be made to stay in pain, WHY SHOULD A HUMAN? Feeding tubes PROLONG the dying of patients. AGAINST Can a person be SURE that this is truley what they want? There have been IMPROVEMENTS in caring, so it is not necassary to die. Someone could look after you. 2 of 3 Passive Euthanasia Passive Euthanasia FOR The law PROTECTS the majority of society from harmful consequences of allowing Euthanasia. AGAINST SUICIDE is legal, not to allow disabled people help with dying is DISCRIMINATION. 3 of 3