Human's head is balanced on its backbone. The Backbone meets the skull through the FORAMEN MAGNUM.
The Foramen magnum is underneath the skull and the head is balanced on the backbone which means that the muscles are small and attached to the skull down.
IN CONTRAST, the gorilla foramen magnum is at the back of it's skull and large stronge muscles are needed to hold it there (doesn't have the support from the backbone)
Also, humans have short, broad hipbones which supports the body at it's origin, showing that they are bipedal.
Gorilla as a long, narrow hipbone.
Human's thigh bone is striaght and the knees are directly underneath the pelvis which allows humans to stand straight for long periods of time.
Gorillas cant straighten their legs.
Human's foot is arched and the big toe is parellel with the others, so the foot is adapted for walking.
Gorilla has a flat foot with an opposable big toe for grasping.
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When organisms die the soft parts usually decay which means a fossil will not be found with the brain.
But we can estimate the size of the brain by finding the cranial capacity.
This is done by tipping sand into the skull and meauring the volume of of sand.
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Thick enamel = teeth adapted to eating hard foods e.g. seeds and nuts.
Microwear (scratches on the teeth) = hard, tough food sources.
Large jaws and bony crests on the skull would have strong jaws with powerful muscles to move them. This means that the animal can eat tough food.
Hominids had smaller canines that apes, and this change meant that jaws could devleop side to side grinding movements, which is useful for chewing.
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