Did you know that your mobile phone contains about 4g of copper?
The battery contains lithium and the casing is made from aluminium. Other metals such as iron and zinc are in the components inside. All of these metals are extracted from ores-some by heating with carbon, some by electrolysis. These metal ores are fast running out. the price of copper has rocketed up- in 2008, copper cost four times as much as it did five years earlier. Ores with lower and lower percentages of copper are being mined as the ores with copper in them are running out.
Extracting copper
After mining, the ore is seperated from the waste rock. The ore is processed to make copper. Two methods of making copper are the 'blister' process and the 'electrolysis' process. Both of these methods use large amounts of energy, but the energy inputs are used for different reasons.
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