Macro factors
- Causes of Market failure, and response from Gov
- Labour markets; skill shortages and surpluses, net migration
- Unemployment, different types and impact
- Interest rates, exchange rates and taxation rates; strategic implication Local national and Int
- International competetiveness
- inflation and deflation
- Business cycle
- Economic growth; effects on Gov,Business, Gov behaviour, business activity
Legal Issues
- Legal behaviour and decision; contract law basis of employment
political and Social issues
- Political changes; EU, national, local
- opportunity and threats to corporate success
- styles and degrees of Gov intervention
- Signif of Nationalisation/privatisation/Laissez-faire
- Signif of stte of consumer/provider, supporter and source of constraints
- Role and limits of corporate responsibility in decision making
- Changing patterns of employment
- Business Behaviour modified in light of moral, ethical and spiritual issues
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