Factor 3: investment


Factor 3: investment

The model adds a third crucial factor - investment​

Investments are the resources associated with the relationship which would be lost if the relationship ended​​

Two types:

Intrinsic investments - any resource directly put into a relationship, tangible (quantifiable, e.g. money) and intangible (unquantifiable, e.g. self-disclosure)​ - things that can be measured (cars, houses)

Extrinsic investments - any resource resulting from the relationship, tangible (possessions bought together, mutual friends) and intangible (memories)​ things that can't be measured (friends, secrets etc)

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Relationship coping mechanisms

Relationships do not end as the investments increase with time​, investment is more important than satisfaction as partners don't want to waste it so try and repair dysfunctional relationships, by:​

  • 'Accommodating' - promoting the relationship​
  • Having 'Willingness to Sacrifice' - putting partner's interest first​
  • Having 'Forgiveness' of serious transgressions​
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Cognitive bias

Partners also experience cognitive bias​ - they do not think logically about the relationship so they experience:

Positive illusions - being overly positive about their partner​

Ridicule of alternatives - being overly negative about others and their relationships​

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