Tensions with the plains Indians

  • Created by: tate4k
  • Created on: 08-05-23 11:30

Failure of the policy of concentration

Failiure of the policy of concentration

The policy of concentration was a policy that was to limit the land that plains indians could live in

The Indian appropriation act if 1851 limited the land that plains indians could live on as they forced whole tribes onto enclosed areas of land

problems with the reservations- Whitte settlers infringed on the plains indians land while hunting for gold and infringed on their nomadic life styles

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Little crow's war 1862

Indian wars

Little crow's war 1862

  • Little crow was the chief of a band of sioux people living ina reservation in minnesota
  • In August 1862 the dakota peole were starving and hadn't been delivered the food promised by the government
  • 4th August 1862 500 Dakota people raided the food storage overseen by reservation agents
  • Later in August Dakota people killed a group of white settlers
  • Lots of Dakota people were captured and executed but little crow fled
  • Little crow was killed by a Dakota person in 1863
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Sand creek massacre facts

Sand creek massacre

What happend at sand creek

  • Between 130 and 180 Plains Indians are thought to have died
  • Black kettle and chief niwot raided white settlers to get food to survive
  • Black kettle negotiated a peaceful resolution but chivington wanted an aggressive approach
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sand creek massacre 1864

Sandcreek massacre

On the 29th november 1864 chivington and 700 of his men raided a largely defenseless cheyenne camp

At a congressional commitee Chivington claimed to have killed 500 soldiers instaed of over 100 women and children

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Red cloud's war 1866-68

Red clouds war

The bozeman trail connected Fort laramie and virginia city linking Fort laramie and the gold state of montana

the trail went through Lakota sioux land violating the fort laramie traty signed in 1851

  • One of Lakota sioux chiefs attacked a group of miners following the trail. Between 1864-66 around 3,500 miners are believed to have traveled along the trail
  • The american army planned to build forts along the trail to protect the travellers using the trail
  • On the 21st December 1866 thousands of sioux warriors attacked William J fetterman and 76 of his soldiers
  • Fighting continued between the army and the indians
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Second Fort Laramie treaty 1868

Second Fort Laramie treaty

  • After the conflicts the American government stopped people traveling along the trail and reduced military presence in the area
  • Red clouds Lakota Sioux tribe moved to a new reservation
  • treaty was agreed by both Indians and Americans
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The first Fort Laramie treaty

First Fort laramie treaty

What was agreed in the first fort laramie treaty 1851:

  • Plains indians would let whites ettlers pass freeely
  • Allow the Us Government to build roads and army posts in their land
  • Allow railroad surveyors to oass freely through their lands
  • They also recieved a 50,000 dollar settlement for agreeing to the treaty
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