Fall of the USSR: Economy
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- Created by: indiamxe
- Created on: 30-03-19 14:35
Long-Term Economic Weaknesses
- Soviet economy was essentially a command economy
- under Stalin, this was successful
- the 1st 5YP led to Russian industrialisation
- 1945: Russia's economy was the fastest growing in the world at 7.1% annually
- However, under Krushchev there was economic decline
- 1958-63, ecnomic growth fell to 5.3%
- the USSR had been competing in an arms race since 1945 which cam at a great cost
- Brezhnev...
- 1970's annual growth was down at a 2% average
- by 1980, it had dropped to 0.6%
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Fundamental Weaknesses
- No incentives for work or innovation
- low labour productivity
- Russia's top 10% richest were only 3x richer than Russia's poorest
- Waste
- Gosplan rewarded quantity over quality
- 1980's Gosplan ordered 400k tractors to be made
- 20% of them were never used
- No modernisation
- storage was poor and resulted in grain rotting
- hard to transport food due to poor transport infrastructure
- agriculture lacked sophisticated machinery
- over 25% of Soviets worked on farms vs. 4.6% in the US (who were more productive)
- Centralisation
- farming was controlled by the government
- wrong fertilisers often sent at the wrong times etc.
- farmers could not use their expertise to schedule harvests
- 1956-80 sugar production increase of only 28%
- farming was controlled by the government
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- Rationalisation 1985-86
- initial economic reforms
- led by the communist party
- designed to stimulate, economic modernisation & higher rates of growth and production
- Reform 1987-90
- reforms intended to introduce market forces
- concurrently initiated political reforms designed to build support for greater economic change
- Transformation 1990-91
- Gorbachev began to abandon the fundamental aspects of the system such as single-party rule and the command economy
- the party lost control of the process
- Outcome
- failed to increase economic growth
- economy actually stopped growing and started to shrink
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- May 1985 - Gorbachev reduced state-run factory alcohol production by 50%
- 55,000 party members assigned to a task force to stop the illegal production of alcohol
- Alcohol consumption 2x 1960 rate in 1987
- 4.5 million registered alcoholics
- Illegally produced alcohol more popular and so the government made less money
- government alcohol revenues dropped by 67 billion roubles
- Campaign abandoned in 1988
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- An economic initiative designed to end economic stagnation
- increase in investment to modernise the Soviet economy
- predicted a 20% increase in industrial output in the next 15 years
- Outcome: a failure
- a decline in the price of oil
- $70 for a barrel of oil in 1981 to $20 in 1985
- soviet revenues dropped by more than 2/3
- Gorbachev had to finance acceleration by borrowing western money
- government debt at $27.2 billion in 1988
- Gorbachev ignore advice and invested in energy production rather than high-tech machinery
- acceleration created an economic crisis
- a decline in the price of oil
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Partial Market Reform
- Law on Individual Economic Activity, 1986
- legalised individuals and families making profit from small-scale work
- Law on State Enterprise, 1987
- intended to devolve power from central government to factory management
- it failed in two ways
- devolved very little power as Gosplan found ways to retain control
- the ability to charge higher prices meant that the government had to pay more for good - government debt increases
- Law on Co-operatives, 1988
- large scale private companies legalised
- by 1990 nearly 200,000 co-operatives had been set up
- incomes of co-operative members higher than state-employed workers
- Gorbachev increased restrictions on Gosplan and it was eventually abolished in 1990
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Problems with the Market
- Gorbachev hoped to combine the best features of the market with the best feature of planning
- the new market did not function properly and created more issues
- government subsidised prices allowed consumers to buy products much below market value
- free market goods were less popular as they were more expensive
- 'price-capping' made production uneconomic and caused co-operatives problems
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500 Day Programme
- plan to minimise the negative impact of the transition to market economy
- widespread privatisation and marketisation proposed
- government did not adopt a proper plan as Gorbachev was too indecisive
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Economic Chaos and Politics
- Reform resulted in no effective ways of distributing goods and shortages of essentials increased
- enough grain but no system to export it
- Gorbachev's approval ratings fell and strikes increased
- 1991, 1,755 enterprises affected by strikes
- faith in the government fell and nationalist support increased
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Reform and Collapse, 1991
- 1991, the Supreme Soviet introduces private property
- in April, citizens could trade stocks and shares
- the economy continued to decline
- oil production down by 9%
- by the summer of 1991, the Soviet government were effectively bankrupt
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Economy - overview
Khrushchev - decline
Brezhnev - stagnation
Gorbachev - collapse
- The USSR's economic weaknesses were heightened by excessive arms spending
- free markets will almost always outperform command economies in the long run
- the decision to collectivise and to introduce a command economy created an insufficient economic system
- economic collapse = political collapse
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