- Created by: Betsy_2018
- Created on: 02-11-17 20:45
Defining Crime
- crime is any act, or lack of an act, that violates the law of a country
- it is harmful to an individual, a group or society
- offender is punished by the state (court)
Defining Crime
- social norms, time and culture are considered when defining crime
- socially dynamic construct
- some behaviours are universally regarded as unacceptable
- some countries factor in passion and honour for crimes such as murder
Problems With Defining Crime
- cultural issues
- polygamy is illegal in the UK, but multiple wives is necessary elsewhere
- historical issues
- homosexuality has been legal since 1967 in the UK, but is illegal in many other places
- smacking children became illegal in the UK in 2004 under the Children's Act
Measuring Crime
Official Statistics
- government records of the total number of crimes reported to the police
- recorded in official figures, published by the Home Office on an annual basis
- snapshot in the number of crimes across the country or in specific regions
- develop prevention strategies and policing initiatives via directing resources
Victim Surveys
- recordings of people's experience of crime over a specific period
- The Crime Survey of England and Wales via the Office of National Statistics
- document of 50,000 households, randomly selected to report crimes they've been victim to
- individual surveey for 10-15 year olds made in 2009
Offender Surveys
- criminals volunteer details of the number and types of crimes they have commited
- identify target groups and risk factors (indicators for repeat offenders)
- The Offender Crime and Justice Survey
Defining and Measuring Crime Evaluation
- random sampling of households
- confidentiality is ensured
- surveys allow for greater details of crimes, than official statistics
- witnesses do not always recognise a crime to report it
- Walker: only 42% of crimes are reported
- those without a postal code are not included
- only 75% of those contacted take part (random sampling becomes volunteer sampling)
- some criminals may overexaggerate crimes, or hide them from fear of being prosecuted
- victims can only report 5 crimes a year - other crimes will not go to the official statistics
Top-Down Approach
The American/FBI Approach
- Top-Down (typology) began in the US, from FBI Behavioural Science investigations
- based on 36 interviews with sexually motivated serial killers to identify indicators
- creates a pre-existing template of a profile for later comparison via crime-scene analysis
Offender Profiling
- police investigative tool for solving crimes
- narrow the field of inquiry and generate a hypothesis of probable characteristics/suspects
- based on careful analysis of evidence
Classification: Organised vs. Disorganised Offenders
- signature behaviours which correlate to specific social/psychological characteristics
- Organised = planning, targeting, socially/sexually competent, higher than average IQ, high degree of control, few clues, skilled/professional occupation, often married +/ children
- Disorganised = little planning/targeting, little control, leaves clues, socially/sexually incompetent, lower than average IQ, sexually dysfunctional/failed relationships, unemployed, live alone near scene of crime
Top-Down Approach
Constructing an FBI Profile: 4 Main Stages
1. data assimilation - profiler reviews evidence
2. crime scene classification - organised/disorganised
3. crime scene reconstruction - hypothesis of timeline and behaviours
4. profile generation - hypothesis of a likely offender based on demographic ..............................................background/characteristics
Ressler's Top-Down Approach: Extra Stages
- (1.) profiling inputs: background info and evidence
- (1./3.) decision process models: mass/spree/serial, time, location
- (2.) crime assessment: organised vs. disorganised
- (4.) criminal profile: hypothesis of offender's background, habits, beliefs
- (5.) investigate report: people matching the hypothesis are evaluated
- (5.) apprehension: suspect caught and process is reviewed for conclusion validity
Top-Down Approach Evaluation
- Copson: questionnaire of 184 police - 82% said it was useful, 90% said they'd use it again
- application to success of crime solving - it is the standard approach
- based on outdated models that can be prejudiced
- crime may be due to external factors, not just dispositional factors
- classification is too simple, as a highly intelligent person may commit a spontaneous murder
- does not apply to smaller crimes that leave very little evidence used for profiling
- Canter: reviewed 100 murderer's cases and comparing them to 39 traits associated with dis/organisation - organised exists but found no evidence for disorganised
- despite it being used as a standard procedure, it doen not make it good for all situations, as crimes are all unique - it is just the procedure that is enforced
Bottom-Up Approach
- systematic, statistical analysis of evidence at the crime scene (British Approach)
Investigative Psychology
- patterns occuring across several crime scenes, if suspected to be linked, can be used to make inferences and generate a profile of the likely offender
- develop a statistical database of evidence to use as a baseline for comparison
- interpersonal coherence: there may be consistency between the crime and their everyday behaviour (e.g a sexual offender may have an public disrespect for women)
- significance of time and place: how they relate to an offender
- forensic awareness: mindfulness of control over the crime
Geographical Profiling
- locations of similar crimes to make inferences about offender profile and their future targets
- offenders tend to commit crimes in areas around where they live or work
- Canter's Circle Theory for Crime Mapping for offender behaviour
- Marauders: create a circle of crimes around their place of residence
- Commuters: create a circle of crimes in a place away from their place of residence
Bottom-Up Approach Evaluation
- more scientific because it uses statistical analysis of objective data
- application to successful solving of crimes - it is the standard approach in Britain
- Circle Theory can help predict where next crime will be (possibly prevent it)
- in cities, offenders' ranges are less circular due to transport links
- data doesn't include offender's unreported/unsolved crimes (circles may be coincidental)
- Kocsis: chemistry students produced a more accurate offender profile on a solved murder case than experienced senior detectives
- Copson: surveyed 48 police officers and found that 83% of profiler advice was 'useful' but only 3% lead to the solving of the case
Biological Explanation: Atavistic Form
- criminals are a savage, primative, biologically different sub-species ('genetic throwbacks')
- they are unable to adapt to social demands, and so channel their behaviour through crime
Lombroso Research
- assessed Italian convicts' facial and cranial features
- 40% had atavistic form
- general: dark skin, facial asymmetry, prominent jaw, extra toes/fingers/*******; insensitivity to pain, uses criminal slang, tattoos, unemployed
- murderers: bloodshot eyes, curly hair, long ears
- frausters: thin lips
- sexual deviants: glinting eyes, swollen lips, projecting ears
Atavistic Form Evaluation
- first approach towards crime that used biological/evolutionary basis (scientific credibility)
- racist undertones towards African descendants (severely/embarassingly outdated)
- many killers are psychopaths/sociopaths who blend into society (are highly intelligent, not primative)
- Lombroso's original stance was far too deterministic, as physical traits do not cause criminality, and can be due to environmental factors (even he later agreed)
- Lombroso's research had no control, is not externally supported and was a biased sample
Biological Explanation: Genes
Twin Studies
- Lange: 10/13 monozygotics had both gone to prison
- 2/17 dizygotics had both gone to prison
- Christensen: concordance of 33% (monozygotic) vs. 12% (dizygotic)
Candidate Genes
- Tiihonen: looked at 900 Finnish offenders' genes
- MAOA gene mutation causes dopamine/serotonin regulation disruption
- CDH13 gene mutation is linked with substance abuse and ADD
- mutations meant a 13x increased likelihood of violent history
Diathesis-Stress Model
- genes create vulnerability to criminality, but do not directly cause it
- exposure to specific environments and criminal role models
Genes Evaluation
- concordance rates are never 100% - must be other factors
- twin studies are small and do not account for confounding variables, which include how siilarly twins are treated
- early twin studies are based on looks, not genetics (not 100% sure)
Biological Explanation: Neural
- dysfunctions of the brain and nervous system
Antisocial Personality Disorder (Psychopathy)
- (criminals tend to have) reduced emotional responses and empathy
Prefrontal Cortex
- APDs have reduced activity in emotial-behaviour regulation
- Raine: found an average of 11% reduction in grey matter in the PFC
Mirror Neurons
- criminals with APD can experience non-automatic empathy
- empathy is usually permanently turned on in normal brains
- Keysers asked criminals to empathise with a person in pain
- mirror neurons activated, triggering a kind of empathy
Neural Evaluation
- scientific credibility of biology and brain scans
- application to treatment for those with abnromal serotonin/dopamine regulation
- reductionist
Psychological Explanation: Eysenck's Theory
Socialisation Processes
- criminals are selfish, impatient, need instant gratification
Eysenck's Dimensions
- Extroversion (- Introversion) = outgoing, positive, seek more arousal -> risk
- Neuroticism (- stability) = overreact to threats, emotionally
- Psychoticism (- normality) = aggressive, impulsive, lacking empathy
Eysenck's Personality Inventory (EPI)
- scoring high on all basis = psychotic, neurotic-extrovert = criminal personality
Eysenck's Research
- 2000 prisoners, 2000 controls
- prisoners scored higher on Personality Inventory, against controls
Eysenck's Theory Evaluation
- neurotics are too anxious to commit crimes for fear of being caught
- under-explains biology and environmental factors
- personality is too complex to measure by a yes/no questionnaire, and changes based on the situation
- self-report techniques for criminals may lead to Social Desirability Bias
- 3 dimensions are not comprehensive enough - Dignam's Five Factor Model includes more traits)
Psychological Explanation: Cognitions
- theory of moral reasoning in terms of development levels
- Preconventional Level: rules are obeyed for personal gain/no punishment (criminals, children)
- Conventional Level: rules obeyed for approval/social order (normal adults)
- Post-Conventional Level: rules obeyed for personal ethics (10% of adults)
- rewards are greater thank risks (low level = egocentric, poorer perception...)
Cognitive Distortions
- hostile attribution bias = misinterpretation of others' emotions
- minimalisation = downplay severity of crime
Cognitions Evaluation
- application to CBT to help offenders overcome preconventional level
- Dodge and Frame: more aggressive children perceived ambiguous as hostile
- Pollok and Hashmall: over 35% of child molesters said that "victims consented"/ "it was not sexual"
- describes criminal mind, but does not explain it (how it is formed)
- level of reasoning may change depending on the crime (biased for likelihood of success)
- reductionist - does not explain biology or environmental factors
- minimalisation may be due to aiming for a lesser sentence, not actually believing it was not serious
- criminals like to take pride in their crimes - not downplay them
Psychological Explanation: Differential Associatio
- scientific principles to discriminate between criminals and non-criminals
- criminality/conformity is learned via the Social Learning Theory (association and interaction)
- should be able to mathmatically predict outcome based on exposure frequency
- learning attitudes towards crime (from peers)
- learning from specific criminal acts (from observation)
- would-be offenders learn motives, values, techniques and rewards
- identification with a criminal/conformist group
Differential Association Theory Evaluation
- explains how and why people offend, and why they would reoffend if put in a prison
- environmental determination
- Farringdon - 41% of deprived children with risk factors went on to be convicted
- correlation, not causation - individual differences (different strength of effect of SLT)
- lack of explanation for the role of video games
- difficult to test scientifically (can not be operationalised and extraneous variables can not be controlled)
Psychological Explanation: Psychodynamics
- unconscious conflicts and personality drive future (tripartite)
- weak superego due to not overcoming Oedipus and Electra Complexes
- weak superego: absent same-sex parent -> phallic fixation -> never fully develop morality principle
- overharsh superego: strict parent -> guilt/anxiety -> punishment = familiar 'release'
- deviant superego: criminal parent = identify and internalise morals
- prolonged separations between mum and child during critical period, leading to emotional consequences
- leads to affectionless psychopathy -> don't develop close relationships
- 44 thieves study
Psychodynamics Evaluation
- application to psychoanalysis to identify issues to prevent reoffending
- gender bias - theory does not match up with male:female statistics (females have less pressure on them to identify with their mothers than boys with their fathers - should develop a weaker super ego)
- Bowlby's theory and research could be privation, not deprivation (self-report)
- correlation, not causation -> could be due to biology, socialisation...
- unconscious concepts are untestable (pseudoscientific)
Dealing with Offending: Custodial Sentencing
- judicial sentence is determined by a court
- confined to either a prison or other close instutution
- Deterrence - unpleasant prison experience
- condition through punishment
- general (societal) deterrence and individual (offender) deterrence
- Retribution - society enacts revenge on offender
- proportionate to their crime
- Incapacitation - taken out of society to prevent reoffending
- protect the public
- Rehabilitation - help the offender to reform
- learn skills to allow adjustment into society
Dealing with Offending: Custodial Sentencing
Psychological Effects
- stress and depression - higher statistics for self-harm/suicide that the general public
- even after release
- institutionalisation - adopt norms and routines of prison
- no longer function outside of prison
- prisonisation - socialised into adopting an inmate code
- certain behaviour is rewarded in prison
- this same benhaviour is unacceptable outside of prison
- repeat reoffending is a problem in the UK and USA
- Ministry of Justice (England and Wales) reports: 57% of offenders in UK reoffended (2013)
- 14 prisons had reoffender rate of 70%
- rates are much higher than in Norway
- Norwegian prisons are very different from the ones in UK/USA (critisied for being 'too soft')
- focus more on reform (e.g community service) - costing the taxpayer less money
Custodial Sentencing Evaluation
- Prison Trust Reform - 25% females and 15% males reported symptoms of psychosis as a result of custodial sentencing
- effectiveness and psychological harm may vary by case (locus of control), instituation type and staff
- prison life can be preferable to homelessness - disrupts the 'reliable' statistics of reoffening (and not very good at deterrence/retribution)
- prison population is rising - clearly not effective
- better types of reform (as demonstrated by Norwegian prisons) - such as community service
Dealing with Offending: Behaviour Modification
- application of behaviourist approach as one scheme of many of a custodial sentence
Behaviourist Principle
- behaviour can be learned, so it shoud be possible to unlearn it via conditioning (counter-conditioning)
Token Economy
- reward obedience with tokens that can be exchanged for priveleges (positive reinforcement)
- withhold tokens for disobedience (punishment)
- rewards are primary reinforcers, tokens are secondary reinforcers
Changing Behaviour
- behaviours are identified (and broken down) - baseline established
- all in the institution (including staff) follow the same rules
- monitored by prison officials
Behaviour Modification Evaluation
- Hobbs and Holt - introduced token economy to 3 groups (and a control group) of youth offenders and found an increased in positive behaviour
- easy to implement (no need for specialistsm, cost effective, easy to follow)
- any one prisoner can receive rewards - treated equally with good behaviour - promotes positivity instead of direct punishment (negativity)
- ethical issues: manipulates and dehumanises prisoners (rewards them with things that are arguably a right to have) and is obligatory
- a passive approach - it does not force the offender to reflect on their crime
- Blackburn - little rehabilitative value, as it does not prevent reoffending after release (and reinforces that prison is not that bad)
Dealing with Offending: Anger Management
- suggested cognitive factors trigger emotional arousal (channeled through agressive acts)
- Cognitive Preparation - reflect on experiences/patterns to break automatic response
- Skill Organisation - cognitive, behavioural and physiological mechanisms to control anger
- Application Practice - role play with mediator in a controlled environment
- requires commitment (belief) from the offender
- requires bravery from the mediator
- Keen - young offenders (17-21) undertook National Anger Management Package
- 8 2-hour sessions of anger management
- resulted in increased self-awareness and self-control capacity
Anger Management Evaluation
- can be continued outside of prison - it is a long-term solution
- multi-disciplinary approach (techniques, application, break-down), as offending is a very complex socio-psychological activity - more comprehensive
- better than Behaviour Modification, as it finds the cause of the anger, instead of just conditioning against it
- self-report technique of prisoners may cause social desirability bias, and role play may not be believable
- expensive to the taxpayer and needs the commitment of a trained specialist
- correlation that anger causes crime, not causation
Dealing with Offending: Restorative Justice Progra
- alterative to punishment
- mediator helps to restore a healthy society via remorse of an offender
- acceptance of responsibility (see the impact and distress caused by their crime)
- flexible (where it can happen, who can take part, what can be discussed)
- active process (both parties can share and learn frim discussion for rehabilitation)
- positive outcomes - empowers victims and reduces recidivism
- face-to-face discussion, financial resolution, repairing physical damage, community service
Restorative Justice Council (RJC)
- set the standards for RJP
- support victims and specialists
- help with initiatives in schools and communities for Restorative Justice
Restorative Justice Programme Evaluation
- allows victim to be part of the process and resolve their feelings
- much less expensive than other methods (does not require specialists)
- provides long-term prevention and/or action for the victim
- Sherman and Strang - did meta-analysis on RJP
- significantly lowered recidivism and post-trauma
- may do more damage to victim, especially if the offender is not remorseful
- soft option - victims usually want redemption, not for the offender to forgive themselves
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