Fractured Hip
- Created by: Kat:)11
- Created on: 20-04-16 10:34
Carole Bishop
•73 year old •Fallen at home •Painful hip •Unable to weight bear •Has been lying on the floor for 18 hours before being found •Incontinent of urine
Mechanism of injury
The circumstances and various forces involved at the time of injury may give an indication of the type, severity and location of possible injuries
Injury can also be affected by the age and build of the injured person
Mechanism of injury
•Penetrating force
•Blunt force
•Axial/referred forces
•Acceleration/deceleration forces
•Blast forces
What is a fracture?
Direct Force – Violence, trauma, fall
Indirect Force –twisting, bending, compression
Muscular pull – Patella
Pathological defect of bone - Tumour, Osteoperosis
Types of Fractures
Simple (closed)
Compound (open)
Features of a Fracture
- Pain
- loss of function
- Abnormal mobility
- Deformity
- Local tenderness, swelling, brusing
- Crepitus, crunching
- Shortening and external rotation
Bone structure - macroscopic
•Compact (Cortical) bone - outer area of all bones - dense and strong
•Spongy (Trabecular) – inner section
of bones - ‘Crunchie Bar’ appearance
•Red / yellow bone marrow fills cavities in spongy bone
•Bone marrow produces red and white blood cells plus platelets
Bone strength
Compact bone - a matrix of organic and inorganic matter makes bone light but with great strength
Organic matter – mainly collagen
Inorganic matter - mainly calcium phosphate
Bone Health
Bone growth, repair and maintenance relies on normal
bone cell function (microscopic)
Bone health relies on…
• Stress- weigh bearing & Muscle pull
• Good nutrition- protein, calcium, phosphate, Vitamin D
•Hormones- growth hormones, sex hormones, cortisol (Bad in high amounts), Thyroid hormones
Imbalance can cause bone disease e.g. Osteoporosis, osteomalacia and rickets
Microscopic repair
Osteoclast (carver)
Osteoblast (builder)
Osteocyte (prisoner)
Stages of Bone / Fracture Repair
Haematoma formation- Bone ends bleed - haematoma, periosteum stripped,? Soft tissue damage
Cellular proliferation- Inflammation, cell proliferation within periosteum, ingrowth of blood vessels
Callus formation (soft)-Dead bone resorbed, immature woven bone laid down by osteoblasts
Callus ossification (hard)-Immature woven bone replaced by lamellar bone, mineralisation, # united
Remodelling- Medullary cavity restored, bone shape restored (osteoclasts)– can take up to 2yrs
What factors may affect bone healing?
Diabetes Mellitus-
Fracture Management The 5 R’s
•Resuscitate- volume replacement
•Reduce (closed/open)- move fracture into a good position
•Restrict – external and/or internal (Imobalise, Splint/metal work) • •Restore – function & prevent complications • •Rehabilitate - To as normal as possible
Injury and whole person
Complications of #, injury
•Immediate damage to blood vessels, nerves, muscle, skin, joints •Early Hypovolaemic shock
Acute Compartment Syndrome (ACS)
Fat Embolism Syndrome (FES)
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
Infections – wound, chest, urine
Acute lung injury due to the trauma response
Exacerbation of underlying illness
Complications of #, injury
•Late Delayed union, malunion, non union of fracture
Joint stiffness
Reduced mobility
Limb shortening
Renal calculi (stones)
Assessment of Carole
Treat with spinal injury, Cervical spinal control (blocks and spinal board) - Airway, Carol is alert and awake= open airway
- Breathing- 20 RPM, Shallow= Tachypnea
SATS: 93% on air (Start O2 therapy)
- Circulation 110 BPM
BP: 110/70 (Known hypotensive)
CRT Delayed 3 secs = vaso constriction
- Urine output and analysis
Assessment of Carole
- Disability
Blood glucose= 3.5mmols- low havent eaten
AVPU= Alert
Do GCS due to ? head injury Eyes E&R
- Exposure, Temp 35- hypothermic (Warm up with warm fluids)
Skin assessment, bruising, temp, colour, clamy, sacral redness, dry skin (Pressure ulcer)
Hip Fracture Types
•Subcapital •Transcervical •Basal
Extracapsular (Carol has)
•Pertrochanteric •Intertrochanteric •Subtrochanteric
Recommendations From Evidence
•Fast tracking – admitted to orthopaedic ward within 4 hours
•Early surgery – same or next day, so within 48 hours
•Orthogeriatric medical support - treat any co-morbidities immediately (Diabetes Mellitus, anaemia, volume depletion etc) cognitive screening
•Pressure ulcer risk assessment and minimisation
•Adequate pain relief / femoral block/spinal
Preoperative preparation
•B Oxygen therapy and sats
Physiotherapist – breathing exercises
•C Volume replacement Bloods - Group and xmatch, FBC, U/E ECG CXR
Urinary output
•D Cognitive assessment
Blood glucose monitoring
Pain management
Preoperative preparation
•E Keep warm
Waterlow - Pressure relieving devices
VTE prophylaxis Compression devices
Skin assessment – infection prevention, FES signs
Limb assessment - Colour Sensation Movement
Key Principles of Post Operative Care
Infection prevention and control
Prevention of VTE
Keep hydrated and maintain electrolyte balance
Skin care
Pain relief
Safe mobilisation, falls risk
Specific Post Operative Care Following Hip Surgery
•Keep limbs in abduction – wedge/trough
•Limb blood supply - CSM
•Cognitive assessment
•Mobilise next day
•Avoid hip flexion over 90 degrees - Choice of chair Toilet seat raise
•Abduction exercise Gentle knee flexion
•Education of do’s and don’ts
Specific Post Operative Care Following Hip Surgery
Good discharge management
Suitable home environment
No bending more than 90 degrees, no twisting on hip
No long periods of standing
No sitting on low chairs
12 week restriction – driving, gardening, heavy household chores
Antibiotic cover for further surgery/dental/GU/GI
Sleeping at home – back or side lying with pillow
Recommendations From Evidence
•Early mobilisation
•Early discharge schemes (hospital to home)
•Bone health assessment/ nutrition assessment - Vitamin D, calcium supplementation
•Care pathways
•Multidisciplinary falls risk assessment
•Falls lead nurses - Champions
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