Four vocal soloists - countertenor, alto, tenor, bass
Chorus - Alto I, alto II, tenor and bass
Instrumental group of three cornetts, violin (corresponding in range to the modern viola) and two trombones. There is also a continuo part
The contrasting of available forces is a characteristic of early Baroque concerto style:
- 1-5: Vocal solo (counter tenor)
- 6-12: Refrain (chorus and counter tenor)
- 13-24: Vocal solo (baritone)
- 25-31: Refrain (chorus and baritone)
- 31-38: Sinfonia
- 39-61: Alto tenor with instrumental group
- 62-68: Refrain (tenor, alto, chorus and instrumental group)
- 68-94: Countertenor and baritone with continuo only
- 95-101: Refrain (countertenor, baritone and chorus)
- 102-118: Tutti
- 119-129: Extended refrain (tutti)
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