The modern periodic table is based on MENDELEEV's periodic table. MENDELEEV's periodic table produced regular patterns and was accepted...
HOWEVER ----> Not all element fitted into the pattern. e.g Argon and Potassium. Although potassium has a lower atomic mass than argon, potassium is put above in the periodic table.. This is because Argon has a lower atomic number than potassium does.We now arrange elements in order of their atomic (proton) number.
Reactivity increases going down group 1 because the further away the electrons are from the nucleus the weaker the bond. So the outer electron is easier to lose.
Reactivity decreases going down group 7 because the further away the electrons are to the nucleus the weaker the bond. So this means extra electrons are less easily attracted into the outer shell going down the periodic table.
REACTIVE METALS: -React vigorously with other elements. -Soft and can be cut. NON-METALS: -Low melting and boiling points. -Many are liquid or gases at room temp. TRANSITION ELEMENTS: Not very reactive. NOBLE GASES: -very unreactive, -difficult to combine with other elements
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