GCSE Geography - Tourism.

GCSE Geography - Tourism.

  • Created by: Jamie
  • Created on: 20-06-11 19:56

GCSE Geography - Tourism - JOBS

Job Contribution To Tourism.

Taxi Driver

Ferry Operator

Tour Guide

Pilots - Co Pilots - Air Hostess - Ground Crew - Instructor

Entertainment Director


Catering - Chefs - Cooks - Supplies

Pubs/Resturants - Cooks - Barmen

transport - Truck drivers - Fuel

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GCSE Geography - Tourism - JOBS

Job Contribution To Tourism.

Security - Police Officers - Bouncers

Cruise ships - Ship Building - Transported Materials

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GCSE Geography - Factors Behind Growth In Tourism

GCSE Geography - Factors Behind Growth In Tourism

Internet allows people to research and book their own holidays very easily and often at a lower price.

Changing lifestyles such as early retirement, means that people can go on holiday more often.

People recieve higher salaries and the average worker benifits from paid holiday leave, Therefore people are able to afford more than one holiday and to destanations further away

Disposable Income - Mone left over from paying mandatory bills e.g. Gas - Electric.

Improved Accessibility through the euro Tunnel has reduced driving time. Airports have also expanded to to make travel more efficinent/

Travel is becoming more cheaper

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GCSE Geography - Factors Behind Growth In Tourism

GCSE Geography - Factors Behind Growth In Tourism

Advertising and holiday advertisments on TV promote new destanations and activities

People have much more leisure time, than in the past on average people have four weeks of paid leave ech yeah from their job.

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GCSE Geography - Tourist Destanations

MIddle East - 46% 

Asia - 43%

Europe -  540%

America 16.3%

Asia and Pacific - 20.3%

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GCSE Geography - Tourist Destanations

Top 10 - Tourist Destanations

France - 75 Million visitors a year

Spain - 52 Million visitors a year

USA - 41.2 Million visitors a year

Italy - 40 Million visitors a year

China - 33 Million visitors a year

United Kingdom - 24.7 Million visitors a year

Austria - 19.1 Million visitors a year

Mexico - 18.7 Million visitors a year

Germany - 18.4 Million visitors a year

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GCSE Geography - Tourism

GCSE Geography - Tourism

Special interest groups

Thrill seekers - Mountain biking - Skiing - Hiking

Adrenaline - Snow boarding - Sky sports - Water sports

(Wales) Mountain biking

(Oxford) Historical Interest - Architecture 

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GCSE Geography - Tourism

Business Travel

University - Lecturers - student (Oxford)

Business men - People who want to start a business - Dubai


Museums, shopping - oxford UK

Cruises - Australlia 

Special Needs Group




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GCSE Geography - Tourism

Uniques Destanations

Ayres Rock - Australlia

Statue Of Liberty - New york city

Pentagon - London Eye - Big Ben

Stonehenge - UK

Mount rushmoore - USA

Leaning Tower of Piza

Pyramids of Giza - Egypt

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GCSE Geography - Tourism - Tourist Destinations -

Stonehenge - Wiltshire - United Kingdom

Tourism. - Students/University from other country, family, historians, Architects, Cultural, Religious People

Open to visitors on the weekends

Different Age Groups - Elderly Young

Historical interest 

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GCSE Geography - Tourism - Tourist Destinations -

Statue Of liberty - New York city - USA

Tourism - Family's - Historians, Architects

Business Travel - Opportunities to start a tourism industry

Family's - Museums - shops

Open Daily to Visitors - 9:30 - 5.00pm

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GCSE Geography - Tourism - Tourist Development In


Loss of Land

Damage to local environment

Defending Environment


Violence - Aggression - Large Amounts of anger between people - Increased Population

Cardwell - Queensland - Australia - Between 2 world heritage sites

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GCSE Geography - Tourism - Tourist Development In


Port Hinchinbrook


Development Lots

2000 bed hotel

Pollution from construction works

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GCSE Geography - Tourism - Key Words

Exploration - Independent tourism in a new area

Involvement  - Local involvement in tourism e.g. Local Promotion

Development - Local people become more involved in promotion, attracting more visitors, package holidays begin 

Consolidation  - tourism is an important and social activity - Land is given over for resort construction

Capacity - Number of people or development that a place can support

Stagnation  - Increased local opposition to tourism, plus a growing awareness of environmental - Social And Economic problems

Rejuvenation - Losses of attractions are compensated by new popular man made facilities 

GDP - Gross Domestic Produce - Total value of good/services divided by population  

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GCSE Geography - Tourism - Case Studies - Ibiza

Clubbing tourism in Ibiza 

Ibiza - Spain

1988 - Music from Ibiza took back to Britain - discovering new Music

People opening clubs and restaurants

80% Of local Community depend of tourism to make a living

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GCSE Geography - Tourism - Case Studies - Ibiza -


Improved Standard Of Living on the island for local Residents

Improved Economy

More Opportunities - Job Opportunities


Rural Deprovation

People are forced to move from rural to local area

people are moved to higher paid jobs in tourist resort

Crime is higher - Drugs - Violence

Seasonal Un-Employment

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GCSE Geography - Tourism - Case Studies - Exmoor N

Exmoor National Park

Conflict between conservation and need to conserve local community

Lack of affordable homes

People are paid low salaries - and cant afford to buy houses

Young people will eventually forced out of national parks

Planning permission needed from national park authority.

House Prices 60% higher than national average

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GCSE Geography - Tourism - Case Studies - Box Hill

Box Hill, Surrey

National Trust Area

Important tourist destanation

SSSI (Sight Of Special Scientific Interest) - Chalk Grassland

Diverse Species - Rare Plants - Man Orchids

Venue for Olympic Road Cycling 90.000 People expected

Managed Areas For Spectators

Not allowed to walk whereever they want

Exessive trampling could be a threat

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GCSE Geography - Tourism - Case Studies - Studland

Studland Beach, Dorset

Very popular tourist destanation

National Trust Area

Jurassic Coastline - World Heritage site

Fragile Sand Dune environment

Roped off section - Allows fragile grass to grow back and stabilize dunes

Cafe - Encourage people to eat there, and not on beach

Wooden board Walks - Encourage people to use designated walk areas

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GCSE Geography - Tourism - Case Studies - Samoa

2 Main Islands

Coconuts are sold and harvested for money


Market economy - Based on use of resources to sell and earn money

Money - Exchange on buying resources

Sports become part of an everyday life

Provides Modern homes/hotels

Tourism began in 1960

Modern Transportation

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GCSE Geography - Tourism - Case Studies - Samoa (C

Timber industry ran by australlians

International Airport opened in 1962

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