summary of edexcel music gcse
4.5 / 5 based on 6 ratings
- Created by: Matilda Haymes
- Created on: 13-05-12 17:51
And The Glory Of The Lord A0S1
- It was composed in 1741 by Handel
- It is Baroque
- It is a chorus from the oratio "Messiah"
- it comes after a tenor aria and before a bass recitative
- The orchestra doubles with the stringers
- There is a religious word setting
- It has a 3/4 meter and a steady tempo
- There is a hemiola in bar 9
- It is in A major but modulates to E major twice and B major once
- It is written for a small baroque orchestra and SATB
- There is a basso continuo played by the harpsichord and double bass
- Mainly homophonic texture but in bar 91-107 is polyphonic
- Ends with a plagal caedence
1 of 10
Symphony No.40 in G minor A0S1
- It was composed by Mozart in 1788
- It is one of only two symphonies in a minor key
- It is played by a small orchestra with NO percussion
- The only brass instruments are french horns
- It is written in sonata form
- Exposition->Development->Recapitulation
- It starts piano, which is unusual for a classical symphony
- The first subject is played in octaves by the first and second violins in Gm
- The second subject is played by the woodwind and is in Bb major
- The bridge section is forte and uses lots of sfz
- All the musical ideas in the development started in the exposition
- It begins in f# minor but passes through many different keys
- From bar 140 onwards there are pedal points used
- The recapitulation is the same (first subject) but the second subject is in Gminor.
- The bridge passage is longer and passes through Eb, Fm and D
- It is polyphonic and ends with a perfect caedence
2 of 10
Raindrop Prelude A0S1
- It is a Romantic piece written by Chopin in 1839
- It is in ternary form
- It starts in Db major but modulates to the relative minor, then back again
- It has a 4/4 meter
- There is use of rubato in the piano part and a dominant pedal that imitates a raindrop
- There are irregular phrase lengths and lots of ornaments
- A section is piano but with use of cresc and dims
- The B section gets gradually louder until it is ff
- The repeated g# in bars 64-7 form an inverted pedal point
- The B section passes through G#m and F#min
- Bar 75 is where it modulates to the ori d ginal key and A repeats
- There is an example of monophonic texture in 81-3
- The rest of the piece is melody dominated homophony
- The final two bars are pianissimo
- It ends with a gentle rituento
3 of 10
Peripetie AOS2
- It was written by Schoenberg in 1909
- Peripetie means sudden changes
- It is an expressionist/serialist piece
- It was written for a very large orchestra
- There is no conventional structure but it could be described as a free rondo
- It is atonal
- There is use of a hexachord (6 different semitones) and a compliment (the other 6 semitones)
- It is only 66 bars long
- It is marked sehr rasch (very fast), heftig (passionate) and ruhiger (calmer)
- There is use of klangfarbenmelodie to break up the parts
- The dynamics suddenly change for ppp-fff
- The texture suddenly changes from thick polpyhony to monophony
- The timbre changes suddenly, ie. group of instruments playing the tune change suddenly
- The note lengths change suddenly; semibreves to demi-semi-quavers
- There are no caedences
4 of 10
Electric Counterpoint AOS2
- It is a minimalist piece written by Steve Reich in 1987
- It has 7 electric guitars and 2 bass guitars as well as a solo guitar part
- The other parts where pre-recorded and the solo guitar is the only one who plays live
- It is marked crochet = 192 (fast)
- It is mainly 3/2 but a few guitars sometimes play in 12/8 while the others play in 3/2
- There is no variation in timbre (all guitars)
- It is made up of short riffs/ostinatos
- Looping is used to build up layers and they are played in a canon
- It is a polyphonic texture and canon are used between the solo guitar and the other guitars
- The parts fit together harmonically
- The tonality changes throughout the piece between Em and C, there are 14 modulations, some only lasting 4 bars
- Harmony is static
5 of 10
Something's Coming AOS2
- It is a solo action song sung by Tony (tenor) in West Side Story
- It was written by Leonard Bernstein in 1957
- He uses lots of jazz elements like blue notes and syncopation
- The lyrics talk about the 'miracle' coming
- The song is in 3/4 but sometimes feels like it is in 6/8 due to the quaver accents on the first and fourth quavers
- There are a lot of cross rhythms
- It is played crochet = 176 (a fast song)
- He starts pp, sounds like he is whispering
- It is in D major throughout
- There are lots of ostinati in parts and a lot of imitation to
- The final word 'tonight' is echoed in the song 'tonight' that Tony and Maria sing
- There are a lot of accented off beats
- The texture is polyphonic in the orchestra but it is an accompaniment to a melody
- There is use of tritones (D and G#)
- Tritones used to be known as the devil in music
6 of 10
All Blues AOS3
- It was written by Miles Davis in 1959
- It is a blues/jaz piece
- The solos were played lyrically, based on modes, in the lower register and had a tuneful melody
- All instruments played in lower registers
- The piece is mainly mf except for a few loud trumpet bits
- The time signature is 6/4
- There is a very mellow timbre (Ghost noes, rests, mutes)
- Simple texture, the wind instruments play in 3rds and 4ths while the piano and double bass play a simple riff and chords. Drum plays a steady beat
- Variation of standard 12 bar blues in G(repeated under solo/melody)
- It is mainly improvised
- There are a few repeated ostinati in the head and in intro and outro
- I7 I7 I7 I7 Iv7 Iv7 I7 I7 V7#9 V1b7#9 V7#9, I7 I7
- Band is made up of a trumpet, alto saxophone, tenor sax, piano, double bass and drums
- It is modal(mixilydian)
7 of 10
Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad? AOS3
- It was written by Moby in 1999
- It is made up of gospel choir samples and a hip-hop drum beat
- He uses a Roland Drum machine and adds samples together using cubase
- The drumbeat has been adjusted to fit the tempo and he uses synth strings and a keyboard
- The samples are looped
- THEME A - Am Em G D
- THEME B - C Am C Am F C F C
- Verse Chorus Structure
- Delay (echo) and EQ (boosting frequencies) are used
- The texture is changing by adding and taking away samples, adding synth countermelodies and adding electronic effects
- There is a layered texture that builds up throughout
- It is based on two 8 bar themes
- It is electronica, 4/4 time signature and a steady meter
8 of 10
- This is a rock song written by Jeff Buckley in 1994
- It has a 12/8 meter and a verse-chorus structure
- Each verse has an intro and there is a bridge section
- The verses have different words
- It has a folk rock feel
- It uses the two vocal techniques of vocalisation and falsetto
- It is in E minor and uses chromatic harmony
- There are mellismatic vocal lines
- He uses cross rhythms
- Typical rock band accompaniment
- There is a very thick texture at the end because of vocalisation
- A flange effect is used on the guitar creating a sweeping sound
- 7th chords are used to create more interesting harmonies
- Chords move in parallel motion
9 of 10
Skye Waulking Song AOS4
- It is by Capercaille and it was written in a Celtic Rock style
- It has a 12/8 time signature
- Its based around C, Em and G
- It has 8 verses, opens with intro and fades out with an outro
- A waulking song is a work song
- There is use of call and response and simple melodic phrases
- It uses modern instruments: synth, wurlitzer piano, bass, drum kit
- It uses folk instruments: violin, accordion, pipes and bouzouki
- The vocal line is pentatonic and has a narrative element
- There is use of refrains and nonsense words are used in refrains
- Use of a scotch snap rhythm (a short accented note before a long one)
- It is sung by an alto (woman)
- It is a folk song
10 of 10
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