2. Family constellations. Stoller points out that certain family conditions are associated with gender dysphoria. For boys who want to be girls, he suggests that there is an over-close relationship with the mother and a distant father. For girls who want to be boys, he suggests that that they have a depressed mother in the first few months of their life and a father who is either not present or does not support the mother but leaves the child to try to control the mother’s depression.
Rekers links gender dysphoria in boys to absence of a father figure, either physically or psychologically.
Bleiberg, Jackson, and Ross have linked the development of gender dysphoria with an inability to mourn a parent or an important attachment figure in early life.
De Ceglie (2000) suggests that parents have a strong desire for a child of the opposite sex and, not necessarily deliberately, reinforce gender-inappropriate behaviour.
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