Doctors know exactly where to look if they think an individual is a carrier of an autosomal disease
Production of new medication
find benificial molecules naturally produced in healthy humans
discover which gene controls the synthesis of a desired molecule
copy that gene and use it as instructions to synthesize the molecule in a lab
distribute the molecule as medical treatment to people who lack it
By comparing the genetic make up of populations around the world, countless details could be revealed about ancestries and how humans have migrated and mixed their genes with other populations over time.
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Gene transfer
Cutting & Pasing DNA
Endonuclease finds and recognises a specific sequence of base pairs along the DNA and cuts the gene
The gene is released and can be removed
DNA ligase recognises the base pairs on the sticky ends and pastes a new gene in the right spot
Copying DNA
A plasmid is removed from the host cell and cut open by a restriciton endonuclease
The gene to be copied is placed inside the plasmid usind DNA ligase
The plasmid is placed inside a bacterium and the bacterium is given ideal conditions to grow and replicate (bioreactor)
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Genetically modified organisms
Transgenic plants
The 'Flavr Savr' romato had been genetically modified to delay the ripening and rotting process so that it would stay fresh loger
The project was abandoned due to money loss
A tomoatoe genetically modified to make it more tollerant to higher levels of salt
Transgenic animals
Production of substances that can be used for medical treatment
Haemophilia: if a gene which codes for the production of factor XI is associated with the genetic information for milk production in a female sheep, she will produce that protein in her milk
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Reproductive cloning
A somatic cell from the original sheep to be cloned is cultured
An unfertilized egg cell from another sheep is collected and its nucleus is removed
The nucleus from the somatic cell is harvested and placed in the egg cell using electrical current
The newly formed cell develops into an embryo and it is placed into a surrogate mother
Terapeutic cloning
the cloning of stem cells
growing tissue to repair skin, heart, kidney
it is unethical to produce an embryo for the sole purpose of harvesting stem cells
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Pros & Cons
Improving food production
Benifitial to enviornment because fewerchemical pesticides will be needed
Producing rare proteins for medications or vaccines could be less costly in the long run
Could solve world hunger
The long-term effects in the wild are unknown
polen from GM plants has escaped to neigh bouring fields
Genes could cross species
Allergies: there is no physicall difference between normal tomatoes and GM tomatoes
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