Genre Conventions
- Created by: Noxas
- Created on: 11-12-19 15:38
Big gaps between jokes, often with laugh tracks placed to encourage audience to laugh
Characters are often extremes of stereotypes - very strong personalities
Colourful, homely settings
Lots of characters involved
Camera shots at eye level with characters
Over Exaggerated actions/situations - things going wrong to the extreme
- Odd situations portrayed as normal or normal situations portrayed as odd
Dark in colour and lighting
Unnatural and odd camera angles
Ordinary locations, with one or two unusual things, also bleak surroundings. Not homely or warm
Strong character stereotypes. Eg ‘the brave one’, ‘the smart one’
Also unusual characters, odd people
Weapons are usually inefficient weapons, to get as much gore out of it as possible. Eg. knife
Music is tense + unnatural, or completely absent
Bittersweet endings, evil/horror is gone but at a price
Supernatural creates, zombies, ghosts
Romantic Comedy
Younger characters, pretty + fashionable
Warm, homely settings
‘Best friend’ character who helps out with the lead’s love life
Competing for lead’s love
Colourful yet softly lit, warm tones
Things ‘go wrong’ then get better again
Bleak settings, bleak situations
Lots of conflict with characters
Colours are often muted and cold
Music is tense
Tense moods
Often, conflict at the end is resolved - happy endings
Often one character against the world/bad guys
Impossible situations
Fast paced, few moments of quiet
Colorful and bright
Camera tends to follow the good guy
Less plot and talking, more action
Often fighting
Brooding main characters, often male
Darker colours, shady atmosphere
Often sympathetic with criminals
Lighting often used to highlight powerful characters and give a place from the criminals to hide
Teamwork, character archetypes that clash and create conflict
Shadowy locations, indicate criminal activities
Mains are usually male, their wives/girlfriends give them humanity
Period Dramas
Main character is often a woman, often romantic
Often upper class settings, eg big manors
- Although can show complete opposite, and show the struggles of poorer people
- Romance is often a focus, though they also often tell stories of famous figures
- settings are usually misty, and dull
- warm, homely settings
- very similar to romcom, though more serious
- often young characters falling in love for the 1st time
- can have sad endings
- darker themes and subplots, eg death and coming to terms with it
- music used is quite often popular music we already know
- often borderline horror, without gore aspects
- very dull, bleak settings
- tense music
- unusual main characters
- often keeps avoiding resolving the issue until the very end
- lots of suspense and cliffhangers
- includes themes of conspiriacy, murder, and rarely romance
- coming of age stories
- younger characters, often in high school settings
- often shows characters going through daily stuggles
- romantic subplots
- friendships and that One Nasty Girl
- happy, resolved endings
- very warm and summery, nice feeling
- extreme situations played off as funny
- strong character types
- recurring jokes through the film/series
- main characters start off downtrodden usually
- cheesy jokes
- cringe humour
- songs
- usually works towards a happier ending
- strong emotions
- often cartoons and aimed at children
- songs are simple and catchy
- big shots of scene during songs
- dancing!
- odd locations, eg space
- or a normal location with new science and technology
- very technology driven
- creatures like aliens and robots
- often features war
- very male dominated
- often wars between gangs of cowboys
- character archetypes
- usually post American Civil war
- horses, shootouts, and cowboy hats
- often follow the story of one or two soldiers in the war
- bleak settings ('s a war)
- can end with the soldiers finally returning home
- very sad, and dark atmosphere
- usually tell the story of a major war
- very male dominated
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