Geography - Globalisation 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyGlobalisationA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: Rahila@27Created on: 31-12-18 12:31 Types of Globalisation - 1 Economic Globalisation: The growth of TNCs accelarated the cross border exchanges. ICT supports the growth of complex spatial division of labour. The growth online purchasing. Social Globalisation: International immigration has creaed extensive family networks across national borders. Improved life expectancy and litracy levels. Social interconnectives has grown through social media. 1 of 6 Types of Globalisation - 2 Political Globalisation: The growth of trading blocs reduces the amount of trading tariffs and restrictions. Global concerns such as free trade, crunch credits and global responces to crisis. The World Bank, IMF and WTO work internationally to harmonise national economics. Cultural Globalisation: Western cultural traits come to dominate in some territories. Globalisation and hybridisation are a consequence of old local cultur merging with new global influences. The circulation of information has accelarated thanks to 24 hour reporting. 2 of 6 Network Flows - 1 Capital: Major capital flows are through the world's stock markets on a global sacle. In 2013 the volume of these foreign exchange transactions reached US$ 5 trillion per day. Commodities: Valuable raw materials have always been traded between nations. Flows of manufactured goods have multiplied in size in the recent years, especially due to low production costs in countries such as China. Information: The internet has brought real time communication between long distance places. Social networks have increased dreamatically in size. On demand TV has increased datausage further. 3 of 6 Network Flows - 2 Tourists: Budget airlnes have brought an increase in air travel with manageable budget. Increasing number of people from developing countries are also traveling abroad as well. Migrants: The permenant movement of people still faces the greatest number of obstecles due to governmental restrictions world wide. As a result most governments try to embrace trade but attempt to ressit migrant flows. 4 of 6 Trade and Transport in the 19th Century Steam Power: In the 1800s Britain became the leading world power using steam power. Steam ships and trans moved goods and armies much faster. Railways: In the 1800s, railway networks expanded globally. Even today railway building remains a priority for gevernments. Jet Aircrafts: The intercontinental Boeing 747 in the 1960s made international traver much more common. The expansin of the cheaper airlines has allowed more people to be able to travel. Container Shipping; About 200 million individual container movements take place each year. Shipping is named as the backbone of the global economy since the 1950s. 5 of 6 Case Study: easyjet Founded in 1995. Most major European cities can now be navigated by easyjets cheap flight networks. Easyjet started with just 2 airctafts and by 2014 the company owns about 200 aeroplans. In 1995 it carried around 30,000 passengers and in 2014 that has increased to about 65 million passengers. The company now also has many international flights to places such as Egypt, Morocco and Turkey. 6 of 6
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