Geography PPE - physcial
- Created by: amyjo2605
- Created on: 27-02-18 21:12
Asses the importance of governance in the successf
define mega disaster
- 2000+ deaths or
- 200,000 homeless or
- GDP falls by 5%+ or
- dependent on overseaas aid for more than 12 months
haiti 2010
- magnitude 7, up to 316,000 dead 1.3mil homeless and still dependent on aid
- Tokuhu 2011 - magnitiude 9, 20,000 dead, 140,000 homeless
- sichuan 2008 - magnitude 7.9, 87,150 dead and 5m homeles
key points to include:
- corruption - aid unlikely to reach those in need
- organised - mitigation stratgeies (compare tokuhu tsunami and haiti, modify resilience)
- japan - evacuation, miliatry preparation, risk assesments
- aid from NGO's
counter argument - development levels
- haiti already hugely in debt
- japan has the money for the technology etc earthquake proof buildings
Explain the formation of the cliff profile shown i
- low lying cliffs and shallow gradient at 3A
- made of soft clay
- clay is more vulnerable than hard rock to marine erosion - collapse and reduce due to attrition, corrosion, corrasion, wave pounding and hydraulic action
- sea undercuts cliff causing it to slump
less resistent to weathering
- biological, physcial and chemical weathering
- rock to collapse as it it lower
- chemical weathering - more permeable than harder rock types, absorbs water and chemicals, leads to the cliff being denser then slumping
Explain the influence of rock structure and lithol
compare the 2 cliff profiles
- hard rock - high cliffs of 12m, soft rock can't hold its weight and would slump
rock structure - large blocks shown in photo on coast
- less likely to be created by general erosion and recession
- faulting is the cause - weaknesses in the rock structure
- bedding planes create weaknesses
- mass movement is more likely to indicate hard rock falling off in large chunks not slumping
Explain how the sediment cell concept contributes
inputs, throughputs and outputs
- inputs - sediment added from erosion and weathering breaking material down from the cliffs
- LSD deposits elsewhere
- output of one area becomes input of another
- closed system
- 11 sediment cells in the UK
example - East Anglia cell 3
human intervnetion
- trap sediment and prevent LSD from outputting material
- then deprives other areas and promotes erosion
Evaluate the contribution that changes in sea leve
intro - lithology, disposition of rocks and sea level change
sea level change
- eustatic change - global change in volume of the ocean
- last glacial period - large amount of water frozen, now melting causing sea level to rise 120m
- thermal expansion - global warming causing ice to melt and sea level to rise on a smaller scale (20cm since 1990)
- emerege when sea levels fall and submerge when rise
example - SW England
- rias - drowned river valleys due to marine transgression (land rebounds in relation to sea level rise)
- creates drowned drainage systems
- river dart
- result of pre existing factors like lithology and topology
- rocky coastline
Evaluate the contribution that changes in sea leve
paragraph 2 - topology
- dalmation coast at adriatic sea
- long and narrow with chains of islands parrallel to coast
- before sea level rise there was a mountainous longitudinal coast running concordant to the coast (parrellel)
- sea fills valleys leaving long narrow islands
norway glaciation
- deep u shaped valleys
- ice melted leading to sea rise
- long thin and deep inlets created - fjords
Evaluate the contribution that changes in sea leve
paragraph 3 - isostatic change
- reigonal unlike eustatic being global
- movement of land in relation to sea
- during glaciation ice weighs land down on one side
- ice melts and land rebounds revealing fossil cliffs
- areas of scotland rebounding by 7mm per year
isle of arran
- sea level dropped leaving a raised beach
- back of beach are fossil cliffs with wave cut notch where raised meets fossil
deposition has also caused these features
- wave cut notch and stack formation originally created by erosional processes
- combination of 2 resulted in this coastline
Evaluate the contribution that changes in sea leve
paragraph 4 - short term sea level rise
- isostatic and eustatic are long term
- the tide can influence erosion rates
- sea leve change is significant
- works in harmony with the other factors
- isostatic and eustatic
- short term tides
against '
- dalmation coast
Explain one reason why over-abstraction of groundw
problem - limited amount of groundwater available
reasoning - bedrock is granite (impermeable) so has no storage
therfore - there will only be surface run off to go to the salt water lake where is not useable
Explain why river regimes might vary between basin
river regime = annual pattern of discharge for a river
2 main factors:
- amount and seasonal variation of rainfall and temp - determine rate of evapotranspiration
- e.g. murray-darling in Austrailia - high flow in wet season and low in dry
- permable rock - porous rocks can act as an aquifer storing water in the ground, ready to be released slowly into the system
- impermeable - variable and quick response regime with peaks of heavy rain
- e.g. nile - building a dam (Aswan) controls discharge so little variation between basins
Explain how physical and human factors contribute
- future supplies cannot be guaranteed
- stress = less than 1700m per person, scarcity = 1200
human factors
- increased demand - increasing pop till 2050 WHO
- more meatbased diet - more animals using water
- climate change - more water being stored as gas
- el nino - droughts e.g. Austrailia
- finite supplies - using at a faster rate than the system regenrates in
Assess the likely impacts of climate warming on th
positive feedback
- green arrows -
negative feedback
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