- Created by: Francesca
- Created on: 23-04-13 19:27
Why located in Burnaston, Derbyshire?
600 acre location. Large, flat and easy to develop.
Right size and shape.
Room for expansion.
7 miles from Derby Ctiy Centre and 7 miles from Chester.
On main roads.
Solid industrial transport links to both customers and 230 British and European supple partners.
First class environment to live and work in.
Business and personnel support serivces to help company and people integrate into local community.
Bangalore - High Tech.
South of India.
Foreign and domestic companies have located there.
NASDAQ - worlds biggest stock exchange opened its third office in Bangalore.
21 engineering colleges.
46 ICT design companies.
Over 900 software companies employing over 80000 ICT workers.
Companies come from Europe and North America to locate.
Why? Lower labour costs.
India has a large and able English speaking workforce.
As a result, population has doubled.
Vehicle numbers have grown.
Glass and steel skyscrapers.
Cybercafés built.
Industrial systems
Inputs - required for processes, eg labour, raw materials
Processes - produce the outputs
Outputs - product of the processes - finished product
By products - left over products.
Primary sector - farming, mining, fishing
Secondary sector - manufactures primary into finished products
Tertiary sector - provides services, teachers, nurses, architects.
The Green Revolution
In India. The answer to the food problem?
New hybrid varieties of cereals that were drought resistant and had a shorter growing season.
Advantages? Greater yields. Shorter growing season. Increase in farming incomes - purchase of better machinery, better seeds and better fertilisers. Increase in irrigation. Varied diet for locals.
Disadvantages? High inputs of fertiliser needed for optimum production - costly. High yielding varieties HYV's need more weed control and are more susceptible to disease.
Mechanisation - increased rural unemployment. HYV'S are low in minerals and vitamins.
Food aid?
Relief food aid - delivered directly in times of crisis.
Programme food aid - provided directly to government for sale at local markets.
Project food aid - targeted at specific groups of people.
Food aid is expensive - high transport costs involved.
Friends of the earth say that they have found a GM rice not suitable for human consumption in food aid in West Africa.
CARE wants the USA to send money to buy food locally instead of sending food aid to Africa.
Food Shortages
What leads to them? Natural? Drought, soil exhaustion, floods, tropical cyclones, pests and disease.
Human? Rise in population, transport difficulties, war.
Short term effects - malnutrition - more likely to get diseases. Don't fulfil their intellectual or physical potential. Reduces people's capacity to work - land not properly tended.
Sudan - Africa's largest country.
Long civil war lasting over 20 years and drought.
70000 people died from hunger and related diseases.
Physical factors - flooding
Social- high population growth, increased threat of AIDS, poor infant health
agricultural - static or falling crop yields. Lack of food surplus for use in crisis.
Economic - high military spending, high dependency on food imports and farming
UN food programme stopped deliveries of vital food supplies because the situation is too dangerous.
Intensive - high inputs, low land.
Extensive - low inputs, large land.
Subsistence - farming for themselves.
Commercial - farming to sell
Pastoral - keeping livestock
Arable - cultivating crops.
Organic - high labour input.
Less harmful - no nitrate run off into streams.
Popular - higher price.
No chemical fertilisers.
Desert plants?
Perennials - store water and small to reduce water loss by transpiration or evaporation.
Annuals and Ephermerals - live for short amount of time. Form dense covering of vegetation immediately after rain.
Ephermerals - evade drought. Produce large number of fruits or flowers. Produce seeds remaining dormant until next rain.
Adapted to drought = Xerophytes.
Leaf hairs reduce wind speed.
Waxy cuticles decrease water loss.
Bulk of biomass below surface.
Wood prevents collapse even if plant is wilting.
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