All we know about the Earth's interior comes from direct and indirect evidence.
- Direct evidence: from the Earth's surface
- Indirect evidence: earthquakes, material from space
+ the lithosphere: is the uppermost layer of the Earth. It is cool and brittle. It includes the very top of the mantle and above this the crust.
Lithosphere => tectonic plates (move on the astenosphere: partly molten partly solid, top of the mantle)
- Continental crust: forms the land, granite (low density igneous rock), 30-50 km thick
- Oceanic crust: under oceans, 6-8 km thick, basalt ( denser igneous rock)
Earthquakes=> wavew tell us about the physical state of the Earth. They speed up, change direction when they meet a new layer.
Core is thought to be metal( nickel) because of METEORITES.
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