Spartacists uprising - Jan 1919
- communist uprising
- Lead by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht
- seized power of Berlin, aimed to ovethrow Ebert and Weimar to form communist state
- Weimar government relied on the army and Freikorps to put it down after a few weeks
- Weimar government went to safety of Weimar
- looked weak as it took so long and used Freikorps → is a problem when they uprise
Kapp Putsch - March 1920
- extreme nationalists → thought democracy was weak
- Wolfgang Kapp lead Freikorps to seize power of Berlin
- Army refused to fight against the veterans despite governments orders → gov looks weak
- only ended after a few days as workers in Berlin did not support and went on a strike→city came to a halt
- Kapp retreated
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